DayOfWeek-Names vertically at the top - page 2

Sorry, I cant see an attachment in this topic.

Hi deVries, do you tested it with zoom in/out?
Sorry, I cant see an attachment in this topic.

LOL.. I mean have you tried to re-attach the indi after you zoom in/out?
Sure, if I re-attached it, the text is top, but if I scroll to the past quotes, the text is not on the top. I think the text-position should depends on Chartevent.
you have to write the code in a proper way to change the objects position in case you zoom in / out
you have to write the code in a proper way to change the objects position in case you zoom in / out

That was previously not a big help. I should use Google or look in the Codebase, got a non-functioning code and just the hint to write the code in a proper way?

Thats not really what I expected. If it is such a simple problem, why not someone posting a similar working code? Now I have to give the problem as a freelance project, maybe someone gets out.

CHARTEVENT_CHART_CHANGE I'm sorry i'm not near a computer (it's a little difficult to write you code on a phone)

That was previously not a big help. I should use Google or look in the Codebase, got a non-functioning code and just the hint to write the code in a proper way?

It is a matter a specific coding. There are many codes but all have their own purpose. That is why don't expect 1 code can cover many aspects.

Thats not really what I expected. If it is such a simple problem, why not someone posting a similar working code?

And when they get the code, they disappear.


It is a matter a specific coding. There are many codes but all have their own purpose. That is why don't expect 1 code can cover many aspects.

I know, and I am a programmer in financial tools too (for more than 10 years), but for new MT4-functions I need food for thought, more than in the mql-help-files.


And when they get the code, they disappear.

That's a certain risk for each forum, but it may also be that the forum get back help ...


Hi deVries, do you tested it with zoom in/out?