Need help installing EA on my MT4



I have MT4, build 625. I have tried installing an EA indicator, that uses an executable file (.exe) to install into my MT4 platform. The installation of the executable file went successfully, every time, but I can't find the EA anywhere in my MT4 Platform. This EA does not come with a .ex4 file. so there's no way I can put it in the MQ4 or "indicator" folder. The EA I am trying to install is called "ForexLines7". Any advice is appreciated.

ask the owner of the code (exe)


I have MT4, build 625. I have tried installing an EA indicator, that uses an executable file (.exe) to install into my MT4 platform. The installation of the executable file went successfully, every time, but I can't find the EA anywhere in my MT4 Platform. This EA does not come with a .ex4 file. so there's no way I can put it in the MQ4 or "indicator" folder. The EA I am trying to install is called "ForexLines7". Any advice is appreciated.

In МТ4 treminal open tab File-Open Data Folder - MQL4.

You will see theare folders Experts - add theare your's EA,

and folder Indicators - add theare your's Indicator