Why lose credits and rating when account deleted? - page 3

On mql4 the proper***** user ID was registered in September 2013 and has 4 posts . . .  hardly "many contributions", by the way,  can you change it's Avatar please.  Perhaps you mean your patrick007 user with 67 posts registered in May 2012  . . .  maybe not, you claimed this was your Brother ?  or do you mean your koala user with 4 posts registered  June 2013  ? 

 RaptorUK 2013.11.04 18:20 2013.11.04 18:20:42 EN


mql4 profile modified. Avatar changed. 

Thank you.


What is wrong? I don't understand.  


What is wrong? I don't understand.  

On mql4 the proper***** user ID  . . .  by the way,  can you change it's Avatar please.


Done. How is it acceptable to have proper k hunt in mql4 but not mql5? 


Done. How is it acceptable to have proper k hunt in mql4 but not mql5? 

It's not . . . I'll contact the Service Desk.
It's not . . . I'll contact the Service Desk.

I can't be bothered with double standards, particularly the offensive German name that took weeks to be removed, you remember the one we conversed about? Whilst you contact the service desk please remove all of my profiles from mq4 Patrick 007 and properkhunt  and this koala from mq5. I have withdrawn my credits.

Thank you 


Without formal notification my mql5 forum profile has been deleted, my credits lost and rating gone. What is all this about? Over zealous moderators or the return of the polit bureau..........if they ever went away. Theft!

I agree that this user could be more polite, but disabling an account with credits on it is very problematic. As a feature request, perhaps the MQL5 site could create a "banned" status preventing the user to interact with others, but allowing him to keep its credits and being able to withdraw them.
I agree that this user could be more polite, but disabling an account with credits on it is very problematic. As a feature request, perhaps the MQL5 site could create a "banned" status preventing the user to interact with others, but allowing him to keep its credits and being able to withdraw them.

More polite ?  if I quoted some of the language used I would be breaking the forum rules myself . . . it's not a question of being impolite, it's a question of offensive and obscene language . . . in forum posts,  on avatars,  in his profile . . .

It's very simple . . .  follow the forum rules !  then we can all be happy and have an easy life . . . it's not rocket science . . .