"Not all control paths return a value" error - page 2


Hello friends, I have the same problem can someone help me?

double price;
int    slippage;
double p = prce;
int    maxtry = RequoteAttempts;
color  CloseColor;


int ordtype = OrderType();
if (ordtype == OP_BUY) {price = NormalizeDouble(Bid,Digits); CloseColor = CloseBuyColor;}
if (ordtype == OP_SELL) {price = NormalizeDouble(Ask,Digits); CloseColor = CloseSellColor;}

if (MathAbs(OrderTakeProfit() - price) <= MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_FREEZELEVEL) * Point) return(0);
if (MathAbs(OrderStopLoss() - price) <= MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_FREEZELEVEL) * Point) return(0); 

if (OrderClose(ticket,OrderLots(),price,CloseSlippage,CloseColor)) return(1); 
if ((GetLastError() != 135) && (GetLastError() != 138) && (GetLastError() != 146)) return(0); 


//--- RequoteAttempts) 

for (int attempt = 1; attempt <= maxtry; attempt++)
   if (ordtype == OP_BUY)
      slippage = MathRound((Bid - p) / pp);
      if (Bid >= p)
         Print("Closing order. Attempt " + (attempt + 1));
         if (OrderClose(ticket,OrderLots(),NormalizeDouble(Bid,Digits),slippage,CloseColor)) return(1);
         if (!((GetLastError() != 135) && (GetLastError() != 138) && (GetLastError() != 146))) continue;
   if (ordtype == OP_SELL)
      slippage = MathRound((p - Ask) / pp);
      if (p >= Ask)
         Print("Closing order. Attempt " + (attempt + 1));
         if (OrderClose(ticket,OrderLots(),NormalizeDouble(Ask,Digits),slippage,CloseColor)) return(1);
         if ((GetLastError() != 135) && (GetLastError() != 138) && (GetLastError() != 146)) return(0);

Copy and paste the relevant code. From your image, you have not shown the beginning of the function, so we don't know what it should return.

Anyway there needs to be a return at the end of the function.

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Thanks and sorry, it's all fixed
Keith Watford:

Copie y pegue el código relevante. A partir de su imagen, no ha mostrado el comienzo de la función , por lo que no sabemos qué debería devolver.

De todos modos, debe haber una devolución al final de la función.

Hello friend can you see now the problem that the code has?


I do not understand friend

int CloseOrder(int ticket, double prce){ 

double price;
int    slippage;
double p = prce;
int    maxtry = RequoteAttempts;
color  CloseColor;


int ordtype = OrderType();
if (ordtype == OP_BUY) {price = NormalizeDouble(Bid,Digits); CloseColor = CloseBuyColor;}
if (ordtype == OP_SELL) {price = NormalizeDouble(Ask,Digits); CloseColor = CloseSellColor;}

if (MathAbs(OrderTakeProfit() - price) <= MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_FREEZELEVEL) * Point) return(0);
if (MathAbs(OrderStopLoss() - price) <= MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_FREEZELEVEL) * Point) return(0); 

if (OrderClose(ticket,OrderLots(),price,CloseSlippage,CloseColor)) return(1); 
if ((GetLastError() != 135) && (GetLastError() != 138) && (GetLastError() != 146)) return(0); 


//--- RequoteAttempts) 

for (int attempt = 1; attempt <= maxtry; attempt++)
   if (ordtype == OP_BUY)
      slippage = MathRound((Bid - p) / pp);
      if (Bid >= p)
         Print("Closing order. Attempt " + (attempt + 1));
         if (OrderClose(ticket,OrderLots(),NormalizeDouble(Bid,Digits),slippage,CloseColor)) return(1);
         if (!((GetLastError() != 135) && (GetLastError() != 138) && (GetLastError() != 146))) continue;
   if (ordtype == OP_SELL)
      slippage = MathRound((p - Ask) / pp);
      if (p >= Ask)
         Print("Closing order. Attempt " + (attempt + 1));
         if (OrderClose(ticket,OrderLots(),NormalizeDouble(Ask,Digits),slippage,CloseColor)) return(1);
         if ((GetLastError() != 135) && (GetLastError() != 138) && (GetLastError() != 146)) return(0);
}               In this line would be the error (')' - not all control paths return to value)

Moderator : Copied from other thread

int CloseOrder( int ticket, double prce){ 

double price;
int     slippage;
double p = prce;
int     maxtry = RequoteAttempts;
color   CloseColor;

OrderSelect (ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET , MODE_TRADES );

int ordtype = OrderType ();
if (ordtype == OP_BUY ) {price = NormalizeDouble ( Bid , Digits ); CloseColor = CloseBuyColor;}
if (ordtype == OP_SELL ) {price = NormalizeDouble ( Ask , Digits ); CloseColor = CloseSellColor;}

if ( MathAbs ( OrderTakeProfit () - price) <= MarketInfo ( Symbol (), MODE_FREEZELEVEL ) * Point ) return ( 0 );
if ( MathAbs ( OrderStopLoss () - price) <= MarketInfo ( Symbol (), MODE_FREEZELEVEL ) * Point ) return ( 0 ); 

if ( OrderClose (ticket, OrderLots (),price,CloseSlippage,CloseColor)) return ( 1 ); 
if (( GetLastError () != 135 ) && ( GetLastError () != 138 ) && ( GetLastError () != 146 )) return ( 0 ); 

Print ( "Requote" );

//--- RequoteAttempts) 

for ( int attempt = 1 ; attempt <= maxtry; attempt++)
   RefreshRates ();
   if (ordtype == OP_BUY )
      slippage = MathRound (( Bid - p) / pp);
       if ( Bid >= p)
         Print ( "Closing order. Attempt " + (attempt + 1 ));
         if ( OrderClose (ticket, OrderLots (), NormalizeDouble ( Bid , Digits ),slippage,CloseColor)) return ( 1 );
         if (!(( GetLastError () != 135 ) && ( GetLastError () != 138 ) && ( GetLastError () != 146 ))) continue ;
         return ( 0 );
   if (ordtype == OP_SELL )
      slippage = MathRound ((p - Ask ) / pp);
       if (p >= Ask )
         Print ( "Closing order. Attempt " + (attempt + 1 ));
         if ( OrderClose (ticket, OrderLots (), NormalizeDouble ( Ask , Digits ),slippage,CloseColor)) return ( 1 );
         if (( GetLastError () != 135 ) && ( GetLastError () != 138 ) && ( GetLastError () != 146 )) return ( 0 );
return(-1);/// not all branching code in the function return values

Moderator : reply  from Vitalii Ananev copied from other thread


Do not double post. You were getting replies here so why open a new topic with exactly the same subject. This is just selfish and wastes the time of people that try to help you.

I have deleted your other topic.