EAs running in the Tester, and Scripts have different FileOpen() default paths. Is it possible for one to access the other?



EAs running in the Tester, and Scripts have different FileOpen() default paths. Is it possible for one to access the other?

So far I've failed in my attempts to get a script to open a file produced by an EA run from the tester (which has written the file into the Testers default file location). Before I spend more time on that, can someone tell me if it is possible?




EAs running in the Tester, and Scripts have different FileOpen() default paths. Is it possible for one to access the other?

with the usual function FileOpen() it's not possible

with the usual function FileOpen() it's not possible

If not using the usual function FileOpen(), it is possible. Just check around.

If not using the usual function FileOpen(), it is possible. Just check around.
No, it's not possible to open a file in tester\files from a script.

It is possible, but you have to use Win-functions, not the MT4-file-functions.

Look here