You cant. If you try to use that, most probably your broker will stop you. Unless you have a huge leverage.
3:1 leverage
Margin call at 30%
Stop-loss at 15%
Maybe I need a link to some explanation.
I've modified a script to this:
//| OpenOrderMarketExecution.mq4 |
//| Copyright © 2010, Khlystov Vladimir |
//| |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2010, Khlystov Vladimir"
#property link ""
#property show_inputs
extern int stoploss = 0, // level of exhibiting SL, if 0, then SL is not exposed
takeprofit = 0, // level of exhibiting TP, if 0, then TP is not exposed
Magic = 777; // unique number of warrants
extern bool SELL = false, // open the warrant SELL
BUY = true; // open order BUY
extern double Lot = 0.0; // Order Quantity
extern double Risk = 100; //% which we are willing to risk, is applied at Lot = 0
extern int slippage = 5; // Maximum allowable deviation of the price for market orders
extern bool MarketExecution = true; // placed stop at the next tick
int start()
string txt =StringConcatenate("time ",
if (BUY ) txt =StringConcatenate(txt,"Open BUY SL = ",DoubleToStr(Bid - stoploss*Point,Digits),
" TP = ",DoubleToStr(Ask + takeprofit*Point,Digits),"\n");
if (SELL) txt =StringConcatenate(txt,"Open SELL SL = ",DoubleToStr(Ask + stoploss*Point,Digits),
" TP = ",DoubleToStr(Bid - takeprofit*Point,Digits),"\n");
double MinLot = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT);
double Maxlot = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MAXLOT);
int OkrLOT;
if (MinLot==0.01) OkrLOT = 2;
if (MinLot >0.01) OkrLOT = 1;
if (MinLot >0.1 ) OkrLOT = 0;
//if (Lot==0)
//if (stoploss==0) {Comment("stoploss can not be 0");}//return;}
Lot = /*NormalizeDouble(*/AccountFreeMargin()*Risk/100/MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_ASK);/*/stoploss*///,OkrLOT);
//if (Lot<MinLot) {Lot=MinLot;txt =StringConcatenate(txt,"Featured min ");}
//if (Lot>Maxlot) {Lot=Maxlot;txt =StringConcatenate(txt,"Featured max ");}
txt =StringConcatenate(txt," Lot = ",Lot);
double SL,TP;
if (BUY)
if (takeprofit!=0) TP = NormalizeDouble(Ask + takeprofit*Point,Digits); else TP=0;
if (stoploss!=0) SL = NormalizeDouble(Bid - stoploss*Point,Digits); else SL=0;
if (SELL)
if (takeprofit!=0) TP = NormalizeDouble(Bid - takeprofit*Point,Digits); else TP=0;
if (stoploss!=0) SL = NormalizeDouble(Ask + stoploss*Point,Digits); else SL=0;
if (stoploss==0 && takeprofit==0) break;
if (SetStop()==0) break;
void OPENORDER(int ord,double SL,double TP)
int error,err;
if (MarketExecution) {SL=0;TP=0;}
while (true)
{ error=true;
if (ord== 1) error=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY, Lot,NormalizeDouble(Ask,Digits),
if (ord==-1) error=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,Lot,NormalizeDouble(Bid,Digits),
if (error==-1)
Print(Symbol()," ",ShowERROR());
if (error || err >10) return;
string ShowERROR()
int err=GetLastError();
string com;
switch ( err )
case 0: return;
case 1: return;
case 2: com=StringConcatenate(com," No connection with trade server ");break;
case 3: com=StringConcatenate(com," Incorrect parameters ");break;
case 130: com=StringConcatenate(com," Relation of the foot ");break;
case 134: com=StringConcatenate(com," enough money ");break;
case 136: com=StringConcatenate(com," No price ");break;
case 146: com=StringConcatenate(com," The subsystem is busy trade ");break;
case 129: com=StringConcatenate(com," Incorrect Price ");break;
case 131: com=StringConcatenate(com," Invalid size ");break;
case 137: com=StringConcatenate(com," broker is busy ");break;
case 138: com=StringConcatenate(com," New prices ");break;
default: com=StringConcatenate(com," Error ",err);break;
int SetStop()
{ int tip,Ticket,n=0;
double SL,TP;
double OOP;bool error;
int SPREAD = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_SPREAD);
for (int i=0; i<OrdersTotal(); i++)
{ if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS)==true)
{ tip = OrderType();
if (tip<2 && OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==Magic)
if ((OrderStopLoss()==0&&stoploss!=0)||(OrderTakeProfit()==0&&takeprofit!=0))
OOP = OrderOpenPrice();
Ticket = OrderTicket();
if (tip==OP_BUY)
if (takeprofit!=0) TP = NormalizeDouble(OOP + takeprofit*Point,Digits); else TP=0;
if (stoploss!=0) SL = NormalizeDouble(OOP - (stoploss+SPREAD)* Point,Digits); else SL=0;
if (error) Print("SetStop ",Ticket," ",TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(),TIME_MINUTES));
else {Print(Symbol()," ",ShowERROR());n++;}
if (tip==OP_SELL)
if (takeprofit!=0) TP = NormalizeDouble(OOP - takeprofit*Point,Digits); else TP=0;
if (stoploss!=0) SL = NormalizeDouble(OOP + (stoploss+SPREAD)* Point,Digits); else SL=0;
if (error) Print("SetStop ",Ticket," ",TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(),TIME_MINUTES));
else {Print(Symbol()," ",ShowERROR());n++;}
//| OpenOrderMarketExecution.mq4 |
//| Copyright © 2010, Khlystov Vladimir |
//| |
#property copyright "Copyright © 2010, Khlystov Vladimir"
#property link ""
#property show_inputs
extern int stoploss = 0, // level of exhibiting SL, if 0, then SL is not exposed
takeprofit = 0, // level of exhibiting TP, if 0, then TP is not exposed
Magic = 777; // unique number of warrants
extern bool SELL = false, // open the warrant SELL
BUY = true; // open order BUY
extern double Lot = 0.0; // Order Quantity
extern double Risk = 100; //% which we are willing to risk, is applied at Lot = 0
extern int slippage = 5; // Maximum allowable deviation of the price for market orders
extern bool MarketExecution = true; // placed stop at the next tick
int start()
string txt =StringConcatenate("time ",
if (BUY ) txt =StringConcatenate(txt,"Open BUY SL = ",DoubleToStr(Bid - stoploss*Point,Digits),
" TP = ",DoubleToStr(Ask + takeprofit*Point,Digits),"\n");
if (SELL) txt =StringConcatenate(txt,"Open SELL SL = ",DoubleToStr(Ask + stoploss*Point,Digits),
" TP = ",DoubleToStr(Bid - takeprofit*Point,Digits),"\n");
double MinLot = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT);
double Maxlot = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MAXLOT);
int OkrLOT;
if (MinLot==0.01) OkrLOT = 2;
if (MinLot >0.01) OkrLOT = 1;
if (MinLot >0.1 ) OkrLOT = 0;
//if (Lot==0)
//if (stoploss==0) {Comment("stoploss can not be 0");}//return;}
Lot = /*NormalizeDouble(*/AccountFreeMargin()*Risk/100/MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_ASK);/*/stoploss*///,OkrLOT);
//if (Lot<MinLot) {Lot=MinLot;txt =StringConcatenate(txt,"Featured min ");}
//if (Lot>Maxlot) {Lot=Maxlot;txt =StringConcatenate(txt,"Featured max ");}
txt =StringConcatenate(txt," Lot = ",Lot);
double SL,TP;
if (BUY)
if (takeprofit!=0) TP = NormalizeDouble(Ask + takeprofit*Point,Digits); else TP=0;
if (stoploss!=0) SL = NormalizeDouble(Bid - stoploss*Point,Digits); else SL=0;
if (SELL)
if (takeprofit!=0) TP = NormalizeDouble(Bid - takeprofit*Point,Digits); else TP=0;
if (stoploss!=0) SL = NormalizeDouble(Ask + stoploss*Point,Digits); else SL=0;
if (stoploss==0 && takeprofit==0) break;
if (SetStop()==0) break;
void OPENORDER(int ord,double SL,double TP)
int error,err;
if (MarketExecution) {SL=0;TP=0;}
while (true)
{ error=true;
if (ord== 1) error=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_BUY, Lot,NormalizeDouble(Ask,Digits),
if (ord==-1) error=OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL,Lot,NormalizeDouble(Bid,Digits),
if (error==-1)
Print(Symbol()," ",ShowERROR());
if (error || err >10) return;
string ShowERROR()
int err=GetLastError();
string com;
switch ( err )
case 0: return;
case 1: return;
case 2: com=StringConcatenate(com," No connection with trade server ");break;
case 3: com=StringConcatenate(com," Incorrect parameters ");break;
case 130: com=StringConcatenate(com," Relation of the foot ");break;
case 134: com=StringConcatenate(com," enough money ");break;
case 136: com=StringConcatenate(com," No price ");break;
case 146: com=StringConcatenate(com," The subsystem is busy trade ");break;
case 129: com=StringConcatenate(com," Incorrect Price ");break;
case 131: com=StringConcatenate(com," Invalid size ");break;
case 137: com=StringConcatenate(com," broker is busy ");break;
case 138: com=StringConcatenate(com," New prices ");break;
default: com=StringConcatenate(com," Error ",err);break;
int SetStop()
{ int tip,Ticket,n=0;
double SL,TP;
double OOP;bool error;
int SPREAD = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_SPREAD);
for (int i=0; i<OrdersTotal(); i++)
{ if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS)==true)
{ tip = OrderType();
if (tip<2 && OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==Magic)
if ((OrderStopLoss()==0&&stoploss!=0)||(OrderTakeProfit()==0&&takeprofit!=0))
OOP = OrderOpenPrice();
Ticket = OrderTicket();
if (tip==OP_BUY)
if (takeprofit!=0) TP = NormalizeDouble(OOP + takeprofit*Point,Digits); else TP=0;
if (stoploss!=0) SL = NormalizeDouble(OOP - (stoploss+SPREAD)* Point,Digits); else SL=0;
if (error) Print("SetStop ",Ticket," ",TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(),TIME_MINUTES));
else {Print(Symbol()," ",ShowERROR());n++;}
if (tip==OP_SELL)
if (takeprofit!=0) TP = NormalizeDouble(OOP - takeprofit*Point,Digits); else TP=0;
if (stoploss!=0) SL = NormalizeDouble(OOP + (stoploss+SPREAD)* Point,Digits); else SL=0;
if (error) Print("SetStop ",Ticket," ",TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(),TIME_MINUTES));
else {Print(Symbol()," ",ShowERROR());n++;}

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I've searched and searched and have not been able to find a script that will make a (100% amount of account balance) market order that does not add stop loss or take profit (or at least a setting that can turn those off).
The closest I was able to find was this
but choosing 100 value in the risk field tries to place an order for more than my account balance.