OrderComment BUG!!! - page 2


If we operate in professional way we cannot use i/o streaming. Using files force the strategy to follow the client life. What's happen if an electrical shutdown occurs? We are lost and all our trades too. No, thanks you! I must be able to activate a secondary client that reads all necessary info and get full control of the strategy.

You probably need a second house/office too if it's electrical shutdown.

The solution is a new field in Order properties: Tag. Like in other object (class object) the Tag property is a multi purpose field, useful for storage extra info. If in MetaQuotes don't want implement such a field, at least enlarge the size of OrderComment property and set reliable his content.

I see you avatar is well chosen A little stubborn. No offence!

The trade server is not there to assure the management of your trades. OrderComment is for ... comment. Your idea for a new field isn't bad, but Metaquotes will not do that, I am 99.99% sure of that. Anyway you can make them this suggestion by writing to the ServiceDesk, as it seems you don't take my advice seriously, I would be happy to be wrong.


If we operate in professional way we cannot use i/o streaming. Using files force the strategy to follow the client life. What's happen if an electrical shutdown occurs? We are lost and all our trades too. No, thanks you! I must be able to activate a secondary client that reads all necessary info and get full control of the strategy.

The solution is a new field in Order properties: Tag. Like in other object (class object) the Tag property is a multi purpose field, useful for storage extra info. If in MetaQuotes don't want implement such a field, at least enlarge the size of OrderComment property and set reliable his content.

When you code for a platform, you can not expect developers to change their platform to suit your code. There are hundred thousand members of this forum can you imagine if everyone wanted MQ to change something about mql4 to suit their own way of doing something ?

The solution is to make use of hardware and applications designed for the purpose of persistant data storage. There are many options, battery backup in case of electrical shutdown, raid hardrive arrays, send ftp to other computers, send to web based email accounts.