subsctiption fee not returned, even though service desk admited it was never designed to be delivered properly


i was following the singal on nano account and as service team admited it is not running properly and the cannon fixed (i used service desk). I also asked for returning my 7.5 fee that i pid for the signal on that account (i repurchased the signal on othr account). They admited its not working properly (it took more than one week, thats why the subsription ended before the turtl form the service was able to respond) but they didnt return the fee for the faulty service. How do i proceed to make them return my mone for the service that was not delivered properly?

I paid 2 times for te same singal i only wanted return of te fee that i was not able to use because of the errors in the code. 

I am sorry but I think that with this situation the ServiceDesk can know, understand and help if possible

they dont understand this and their respond time was 1,5 weeks (so my subscription was charged and they didnt even relate to that!!) Service desk is VERY unproffessional.



I am sorry but I think that with this situation the ServiceDesk can know, understand and help if possible
more than a week to respond with one sentence that doesnt fix the problem (just stating the obvious - "it doesnt work", i know it doesnt work i wouldnt be creating a service desk issue otherwise!! and what they told me - to subscribe on usd accont i alread did more than a week before their response; they also did not relate in an way to subscription fee matter!!! i paid it twice - once for a service that they admited cannot be provided properly) is just pathetic.
more than a week to respond with one sentence that doesnt fix the problem (just stating the obvious - "it doesnt work", i know it doesnt work i wouldnt be creating a service desk issue otherwise!! and what they told me - to subscribe on usd accont i alread did more than a week before their response; they also did not relate in an way to subscription fee matter!!! i paid it twice - once for a service that they admited cannot be provided properly) is just pathetic.
So you come here to complain instead of explaining them your issue. Are you thinking your are the only one customer ? Only Service Desk can help you to resolve your issue.
So you come here to complain instead of explaining them your issue. Are you thinking your are the only one customer ? Only Service Desk can help you to resolve your issue.

no. i used service desk right away parralel with this post 05.11.2013. NOw its 18.11.2013. Initial SErvice case was from 21.10.2013 so you can say its already 1 month and still nothing is solved. IF a nano account doesnt work with signal following it should not be possible to subscribe to such signal (You all do SO MUCH TO protect the followers setting tons of rules but you dont prevent them from using the faulty service). THe problem is when so much time has passed the fee has been already transfered a long time ago to the sellers account. How difficult is returning a fee when the service is not properly delivered? it takes freaking few minutes. I used the service desk the first or second day after the problem occured. dont you think 1 month is a little too much? Really? 1 month for a return a subscription fee? 1 month when dealing with money is just ridicolus (and when the fault and who is to blame is obvious).  Pathetic. I feel this is not nearly over. And yes ill post here to warn other users of what can happen so they know what they are dealing with.