Pivot points Indicator MT4 bilt 600, Daily-Weekly-Monthly with labels shifted to the right adjustable position



Here is a free pivot point indicator (thanks toi gearhead who submitted the code here and improved on it ) that offers quite a few features:

Daily,weekly, monthly pivots (select)

Mid pivots (turn on and off)

Chart auto shift to set position (adjustable from 10% to 50%)

Labels position adjustable from the right of Time[0] to the left of Time[0] (positive settings to the right, negative settings to the left)

Pivot indicator

You can better share it by publishing it in the Codebase.

The above indicator does not delete off the chart due to minor code error.

Minor code error

ObjectDelete(0,"M_R1 Label");
ObjectDelete(0,"M_R1 Line");

Corrected Code

ObjectDelete(0,"M_R1 label");
ObjectDelete(0,"M_R1 line");

Code  fixed and sent in for publishing


Minor code error

Corrected Code

This is why you should never write things more than once.
#define R1LABLE "M_R1 label"
#define R1LINE  "M_R1 line"
... ObjectCreate( R1LABEL ...);
    ObjectCreate( R1LINE  ...);