
I am trying to make the OBJ_ARROW_SELL point down, but not sure what is the problem. Can any one help?

can we c the relevant code ?
can we c the relevant code ?

I am sorry that attaching the image was unsuccessful the first time. Please reference the image in the initial post.

please use SRC for code


I thought the picture would be easier to see. The code is nothing fancy.

int OnInit()
   ObjectCreate    (0, "Arrow", OBJ_ARROW_SELL, 0, Time[1], High[1]);
   ObjectSetInteger(0, "Arrow", OBJPROP_COLOR, clrBlue);
   ObjectSetInteger(0, "Arrow", OBJPROP_ANCHOR, ANCHOR_BOTTOM);   

OBJ_ARROW_DOWN or use Arrow codes



I thought the picture would be easier to see. The code is nothing fancy.

the code is needed in order to check it out so we use copy paste

I thought the picture would be easier to see. The code is nothing fancy.

Your problem is because you have probably already created an object called "Arrow"

You can't create a new object with the same name.

Delete the object in OnDeinit