Multiple Instances of MT4


Looking for a little guidance here. Hopefully just a simple Q&A

I need multiple instances of MT4 running simultaneously for testing and development of differing EA's. My original install was to the standard program files directory. That installation stored my EA"s in USER/APPDATA/LOCAL/VIRTUALSTORE/PROGRAM FILES(X86)/some name.

I downloaded the installer intending to install to c:/MT4/some name so I could just copy the installation for each new instance of MT4. I note that the in the recent build data directory has changed to USER/APPDATA/ROAMING.....

If I copy the installation from c:/MT4/some name TO c:/MT4/another name, I presume I need to copy the data directory to "another name" and tell the copied instance of MT4 where the default data directory is. How do I set the default data directory in MT4? I am not finding much information there.

If I can't set the default directory to a new name then I can just re install fresh for the next instance and then migrate a few files. I would like to rationalize the name in the appdata/roaming to something that makes sense to read though.




Looking for a little guidance here. Hopefully just a simple Q&A

I need multiple instances of MT4 running simultaneously for testing and development of differing EA's. My original install was to the standard program files directory. That installation stored my EA"s in USER/APPDATA/LOCAL/VIRTUALSTORE/PROGRAM FILES(X86)/some name.

I downloaded the installer intending to install to c:/MT4/some name so I could just copy the installation for each new instance of MT4. I note that the in the recent build data directory has changed to USER/APPDATA/ROAMING.....

If I copy the installation from c:/MT4/some name TO c:/MT4/another name, I presume I need to copy the data directory to "another name" and tell the copied instance of MT4 where the default data directory is. How do I set the default data directory in MT4? I am not finding much information there.

If I can't set the default directory to a new name then I can just re install fresh for the next instance and then migrate a few files. I would like to rationalize the name in the appdata/roaming to something that makes sense to read though.




You can't set the default data directory, it's done automatically, but maybe you can use the /portable option. For more information read this article : Data Structure in MetaTrader 4 Build 600 and Higher


That looks like what I need for now. Thank you for taking the time to respond!