Trying to get 99% accuracy - page 2


Data from different brokers can be very different. It is difficult to understand how brokers price quotes are calculated and difficult to find information. But I can tell you if you compare different brokers price quotes at the same time they can vary by a lot, one time I did this and saw 20 pip differences. I also think if an EA is profitable when backtesting on one brokers price data and not on another, then using that EA to trade would be a throw of the dice.

It turns out the leverage that tickstory thought I was using was twice as large as the leverage I actually use and so movements against me were twice as big before my EA could respond. Even a 20 pip difference would not have caused the kind of consistent monumental discrepancies I was seeing, it seems as if the leverage was at fault.

I think I might need to wait until sunday before the broker settings can be ascertained by tickstory.

It was even using the wrong currency...if that means anything.

Yeah, I've just confirmed it was the leverage, which is actually quite convenient because I wanted to try out some different leverages.