I'm looking for tutorials that relate to the MQL4 Build 600+ and more specifically the Object-Oriented Programming part.



I'm looking for tutorials that relate to the MQL4 Build 600+ and more specifically the Object-Oriented Programming part.




I'm looking for tutorials that relate to the MQL4 Build 600+ and more specifically the Object-Oriented Programming part.


When you find them please let me know via PM. Thanks


I'm looking for tutorials that relate to the MQL4 Build 600+ and more specifically the Object-Oriented Programming part.


Not really what you asked for, but maybe that can help.

When you find them please let me know via PM. Thanks

If I made ​​mistakes in programming, there are risks of memory leaks or other silent errors ?

Good thread tintin

Not being an advanced programmer, all this stuff about classes and structure etc just sails over my head. Most of the reference may as well be in Russian as it is beyond my comprehension.

I must admit that I was a bit like a deer caught in headlights when first confronted with this upgrade, but can still do much the same code as before.

Apart from the bugs and now that I have got used to it, I actually quite like this new Editor.
