How to set charts?


How to set all charts with same template's TPL file.

There is a command for it?


How to set all charts with same template's TPL file.

There is a command for it?

Rename your template to default.tpl and freshly open your charts
Rename your template to default.tpl and freshly open your charts

This is ok. Thanks for your replay.

But, I think for opened charts.


Thanks for your replay.

with all of them in one cycle can be set


Thanks for your replay.

with all of them in one cycle can be set

of cource, find the ChartID by looping the charts (ChartFirst ChartNext) & then ChartApplyTemplate

of cource, find the ChartID by looping the charts (ChartFirst ChartNext) & then ChartApplyTemplate

ok thx. :)