How do I do for update 604 more help metaeditor


Good afternoon,

in first sorry if the answer already exist, but I didn't found it.

I readed there a problem with sendmail function with the build 600, and I have this problem, but it resolded with the build 604. My question is, how can I do to update the build 604 please?

And more I hadn't help function from metaeditor, and I don't find the dictionnary for help me when I write code. Could you explain me how can I do to have the dictionnary and help function again please?

Thank's a lot for your answer and time to answer me. :)


Good afternoon,

in first sorry if the answer already exist, but I didn't found it.

I readed there a problem with sendmail function with the build 600, and I have this problem, but it resolded with the build 604. My question is, how can I do to update the build 604 please?

And more I hadn't help function from metaeditor, and I don't find the dictionnary for help me when I write code. Could you explain me how can I do to have the dictionnary and help function again please?

Thank's a lot for your answer and time to answer me. :)

1) Connect to Meta-Quotes demo server for updates.

2) Press F1 {while inside code} to get help/dictionary.


Thank's a lot,

1/ sorry but how do I do .to connect to meta-quotes server server please?

2/ I know this, but it doesn't work, nothing display.



1/ sorry but how do I do .to connect to meta-quotes server server please?

2/ I know this, but it doesn't work, nothing display.

File > Open New Account.

Then enter your Information for Meta-Quotes Demo Account.

Then search for Meta-Quotes and select the Demo Server by "add new broker"

Restart your terminal. Let the updates download. Restart terminal again.

Hopefully those would solve your other problems also.


thank's a lot,

but sorry again, but I don't have your window and that I have I can't to click on next.

And I didn't have choice in acccount type.

Thank's again.


thank's a lot,

but sorry again, but I don't have your window and that I have I can't to click on next.

And I didn't have choice in acccount type.

Thank's again.

Try going through Tools>Options and then select the Server_Tab.

I believe its

Enter that for Server and hit OK. You do-not need Login & Password. Then try Signing-Up for Demo again.

If that doesn't work then try downloading a fresh copy of mt4 from bottom of website.