the terminal produce large amount memery rubbish


when start the terminal or use Alert function in EA,the terminal produce so many memery rubbish that computer may crash . i had to use memorey cleaner to clear it .

also,sometimes i close the terminal,but in TaskManager,still can find the metatrader prosess running .


I have noticed terminal uses a lot of memory during system idle, if I wake the PC after a few hours of idle and log in and start task manager, terminal.exe is up at 200k+ memory, then it gradually drops down to around 30k over a period of about 20 minutes.


when start the terminal or use Alert function in EA,the terminal produce so many memery rubbish that computer may crash . i had to use memorey cleaner to clear it .

also,sometimes i close the terminal,but in TaskManager,still can find the metatrader prosess running .

Perhaps you have more than one terminal running ?