Open a Position when market makes a new 10 day Low, Close a position when it makes a new 10 day high


I have a simple strategy using the FTSE which works in the following way using the closing price values.....

If the closing price has made a 120 day high in the previous 60 days or less and more recently than the 120 day low - The trend is up

If the closing price has made a 120 day low in the previous 60 days or less and more recently than the 120 high - The trend is down

When the trend is up I would like to BUY on a new 10 day closing price low and close the position on a new 10 day closing price high.

When the trend is down I would like to SELL on a new 10 day closing price high and close the position on a new 10 day closing price low.

Sometimes when I am in a long position, the price will make new 10 day lows so will require me to take another long position including the one I am already in - so I will need it to open numerous positions if so required and I would need them all to close when the price reaches a new 10 day high. Vice versa for short trades.

Can anybody help me put this into an automated trading system???

Thanks guys.


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