AE2BBC7E65893356A60248680B4C\MQL4\Experts - page 2

gchrmt4: (Makes little difference but - unless things have changed very recently - brokers don't have much control over that. "Their" MT4 installer always gets the latest version of MT4 from the MetaQuotes CDN. A broker is meant to be able to control when existing users get pushed a new version, but they can't prevent new installations getting the new version. On Feb 3rd every broker is going to be at least partially forced onto 578 whether they like it or not.)
Thanks for the details. So how does a broker (or group of brokers) prevent MQ from implementing something which they're not happy about. Are they just as voiceless as their clients?
RaptorUK: What has changed that means a big Server side change ? off the top of my head I can't think of anything that would mean a new Server build wouldn't also work with 509 . . . but I know nothing. I can speculate just like anyone else and thats all I can do in the absence of any real info from a source in the know . . .
My thinking was there needed to be some sort of update to the server_side also in-order to support mt4+. And then once that happens ... boom ... they cannot stop the pushing. But gchrmt4 says they may-not have a choice in that. So then I'd expect 509 to be history but I'm speculating too.
Thanks for the details. So how does a broker (or group of brokers) prevent MQ from implementing something which they're not happy about. Are they just as voiceless as their clients?

Voiceless ? maybe you meant clueless

A friend of mine that had 574 pushed to him a few days ago contacted his Broker about it, the Broker told him that he could prevent Auto updates by renaming liveupdate.exe


Have you read this

Do you know about Windows UAC ?

So turning off UAC there is no folder like this


Only the original install folder in C:\

My thinking was there needed to be some sort of update to the server_side also in-order to support mt4+. And then once that happens ... boom ... they cannot stop the pushing. But gchrmt4 says they may-not have a choice in that. So then I'd expect 509 to be history but I'm speculating too.

Wouldn't it be nice if we didn't have to speculate . . . but I mustn't be negative while I'm still a Moderator
Thanks for the details. So how does a broker (or group of brokers) prevent MQ from implementing something which they're not happy about. Are they just as voiceless as their clients?
Not voiceless in private but, yes, impotent. But the process might have changed recently because of the huge scale of the 578 update.

So turning off UAC there is no folder like this


Only the original install folder in C:\

You don't need to turn off UAC . . . just don't install in Program Files and use the /portable switch . . .

So turning off UAC there is no folder like this


Only the original install folder in C:\

Yea but UAC is for security reasons. If you do-not fully understand what its protecting, then it's probably best leaving it on.

You can get to your Mql4\ folders easily by going { File>Open Application Data Folder } if that helps.

There are also commands within mql4+ which give you these paths directly.


A friend of mine that had 574 pushed to him a few days ago contacted his Broker about it, the Broker told him that he could prevent Auto updates by renaming liveupdate.exe

What MetaQuotes definitely can do is vary the version by region. Some interim builds between 482 and 500 appeared live in Australia/Pacific but nowhere else. It's possible the same thing happened again recently (depending on whether your friend was doing a new installation or got pushed an update).

I wonder what is the significance of the folder name AE2BBC7E65893356A60248680B4C. It looks a lot like a unique identifier of some kind, my virtual store folder has a different name to that one, similar but not the same alpha numeric string