Newbie in Forex ........ Need your help Guys


Dear Colleagues,

I am newbie in Forex Trading. plz Help

  1. This forum is about mt4 language and autotrading. <Edited by moderator>No it is not, it's about trading and all related. Please stop with such comment.
    You have only three choices: Search for it, learn to code it, or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you when you post your attempt (using SRC) and the nature of your problem.
  2. Information about "Forex Trading" try babypips: Forex Trading Online: Foreign Exchange (FX) Trading | Currency Trading

Well, this is by far the funniest post I have seen in a long time.

Tell us at least what kind of help you need: 1) financial, 2) technical, 3) or maybe psychological.... many other possibilities come to mind. :)


Dear Colleagues,

I am newbie in Forex Trading. plz Help

helping on what exactly? :)
Anomyous: This forum is about mt4 language and autotrading. <Edited by moderator>No it is not, it's about trading and all related. Please stop with such comment.
  1. The very first line of the registration page says:
    This resource is a site where traders interested in MetaQuotes Language 4 and automated trading systems communicate.

    I paraphrased Metaquotes. I was not wrong.

  2. Restriction #2 says:
    Discussions of any banking, brokerage or other financial companies or institutions are prohibited. Such messages are subject to removal.
    Shows this forum is NOT about trading and all related, those are trading related but forbidden.

  3. Your link shows it use to say
    except of concerning MetaQuotes Language 4 and auto trading are forbidden.

    That means other trading related posts are no longer forbidden. Not forbidden does not change what this site is mainly about. I was not wrong.

  1. ...
I am the anonymous. Discussion about all of that is closed. If you continue you will receive a temporarily ban.
You don't want to admit that you are wrong. fine, but to threaten me for pointing out your error?
#1 ... Any posts which may offend other visitors of the forum are forbidden.
You need to temporarily ban yourself.
You don't want to admit that you are wrong. fine, but to threaten me for pointing out your error? ...

I am not wrong, this forum belongs to Metaquotes not to you. This forum is clearly about trading in all forms, automated or not. Someone asking a question about Forex is perfectly welcome (even if his question is so general).

#1 ... Any posts which may offend other visitors of the forum are forbidden.

If I follow this rule, you will be banned forever as you have offended so many people on this forum. Of course, you have helped many people too, but that gives you no privileges.

I am tired to always repeat you the same.

6. Numerous breakings of rules, ignoring moderators' remarks and furthermore open disrespect for administration will result in banning from the forum without any explanations.

Banned for 1 day.