************Forum EA Contest .... Lets Have Some Fun**************


The Ubzen Challenge.

Welcome to our very first MQL4_Forum EA Contest. We're trying to bring some Excitement to our wonderful coding/trading forum. In the spirit of that, we've develop a challenge which we believe to be unique to the forum of this kind. Being a programmer's as well as trader's forum, we've taken-on the idea of developing an Evolving_Financial_Trader. Its no simple task, but we believe that we have the members and skill-sets to pull-this off in a way that no-other forum can.

The Idea is having the Winning EA from this contest become a developmental project for the site. Let your EA become the one to soar to great heights. If you'd like to participate, please submit an EA within this post. Example can be found Here. The rules for this first Challenge will be quite simple and are listed below. It isn't perfect but the idea is working together to make it better.

Your inputs are also much appreciated and a big-thank you to everyone who's helping to make this possible.

****Please do-not wait. Once we've got 5 codes submitted, we'll be moving forward. This could start as early as next week.

- The contest will be Broadcast on the Signal_Service for Millions of MT4 Users to follow. How cool is that.

  1. It’s a fully Automated Expert Advisor Contest.
  2. It’s a Weekly contest (starts Monday & ends Friday)
  3. All EA’s Welcomed ... Code-Base || Internet :)
  4. EA with Highest Equity on Friday-Close Wins.
  5. EA must complete 5 or More Independent Trades.
  6. 1 Trade cannot account for All of the Profit.
  7. EA should be self-contained (meaning 1 file)
  8. No external custom indicators. All custom indicators should be coded/embedded in the same file as the EA.
  9. Please make sure you have the Correct Default Values when Posting an EA.
  10. Please specify the Symbol and TimeFrame the EA will attach.
  11. Please specify a Name and Short Description of the EA.
  12. Judges/Hosts cannot be Blamed for Problems
  13. Only these Pairs Allowed Click_Link.
  14. No .dll Allowed ... Someone might try to Crash the Server.
  15. The Meta-Quotes Demo Server (MarketInfo) is whats being used.

****For up-dated and participants information please see contest page (Current_Contest).

I've decided to no-longer answer any questions regarding rules within this thread. We've been working hard and I believe that if someone is genuine about participating then submit an EA. If its doesn't meet the rules/requirements then we'll let you know. Thanks to everyone for their time and consideration.

I'm Totally In...................... .
I'm Totally In...................... .

Give it a twist and make it more beneficial for the participants. Make it an EVOLUTIONARY contest. In Genetic programing and in nature, the more fit survives, and is mutated and continues to evolve over time.

Here's how it could work:

Make in an OPEN CODE contest. That means each participant must post their code on the thread in entirety, prior to the contest.

The Winner of the first week (or top 2 winners, or winner of a two week run) is the winning code. All other codes are dismissed.

Everyone in the contest then works from a copy of the winning code and tries to improve it in their own way. All those improved versions are then entered into another contest.

In this way the winning code EVOLVES to the next level. Each week all codes are openly posted.

Each week the contest winner's code is again used by everyone to try and improve again, and the losing codes are dismissed. This process continues, over and over. EA evolution.

It's the natural way to grow a healthy code, combining multiple minds, engaging discussion and problem solving. In the end, everyone wins, and learns from others.

It's Genetic Programing using Human processing. People would benefit week after week, and it could go on for a long time.

It could be bi weekly, weekly or even monthly. EA Evolution contest. It really doesn't matter how crappy the first codes are, the winning code will always be getting better over time.


I agree the codes should be posted... the post however should be an Attachment instead of flooding this thread with SRC.

Your idea is very-good. However, in my experience, allot of people may-not have the level of expertise to contribute meaningfully to evolving a particular code. Example: if a Neuro-Network expert wins first week, allot of people wouldn't be able to modify such codes. This could hurt participation. Which from the rate of responses so far ... might become a problem anyway.

As it stands, anyone (programmer and non-programmers alike) can just attach a code they get from anywhere (please no stolen codes).
Lets hear what others think about your idea and if enough people feel thats the way to go then we'll move forward with it.

I agree the codes should be posted... the post however should be an Attachment instead of flooding this thread with SRC.

Your idea is very-good. However, in my experience, allot of people may-not have the level of expertise to contribute meaningfully to evolving a particular code. Example: if a Neuro-Network expert wins first week, allot of people wouldn't be able to modify such codes. This could hurt participation. Which from the rate of responses so far ... might become a problem anyway.

As it stands, anyone (programmer and non-programmers alike) can just attach a code they get from anywhere (please no stolen codes).
Lets here what others think about your idea and if enough people feel thats the way to go then we'll move forward with it.

You're right attachments are better.

Differing levels of expertise is sort of the point to though. That type of contest helps coders grow beyond their current limitations. Also the natural process usually involves a Mutation which is not necessarily an immediate positive enhancement.

So a less adept coder's contribution is still a vital part of the process, both for the coder's growth and for the code evolution. Regardless of how your idea turns out, I would stick with it during a slow initial participation period. Most things take time to build steam.

You maybe could decide a Symbol and time interval that would attract the most participation too, and that may help lower the reluctance barriers for participants.

moneycode: You maybe could decide a Symbol and time interval that would attract the most participation too, and that may help lower the reluctance barriers for participants.
What do you suggest?
What do you suggest?

I like moneycode idea, very interesting.

I suggest XAUUSD (GOLD) on H1.

angevoyageur: I like moneycode idea, very interesting. I suggest XAUUSD (GOLD) on H1.

Gold?.... You're terrible.

Alright ... We have another one for EVOLUTIONARY contest. We get to built something really special ... that'll show those other forums who's the best forum .


Gold?.... You're terrible.

Alright ... We have another one for EVOLUTIONARY contest.

There has to be some kind of prize (some form of motivation), otherwise this idea will DIE before it is even BORN!!!!
FMIC: There has to be some kind of prize (some form of motivation), otherwise this idea will DIE before it is even BORN!!!!
Like Money? If so how much?
What else could substitute?
This is clearly just for fun ... there's allot of garbage EA's within the code-base and around the Internet. That's why my initial idea is throw one into the contest ... nothing to lose. Something to gain = bragging rights / entertainment. But now we have something of a bigger idea which is Human Evolution of expert advisor ... isn't that worth it?