TimeCurrent() and iTime() bug/problem - page 3


cyclops993: There was nothing wrong with or missing from the OP. It was clear that Paul_B was assuming, perfectly reasonably from the MT4 documentation, that start() is only called in response to new ticks. (Why he wanted to check TimeCurrent() doesn't make a difference, and isn't actually any of our business.)

Your response was basically a nice version of RTFM, despite the fact that the manual is clearly lacking in this area [which I'll stress is unusual; the quality of the MT4 documentation is pretty good]. Angevoyageur's response was to describe this as a fuss, which seems to be part of a pattern of pathologically sensitive responses to any criticism of MT4 of any kind, however mild. WHRoeder then chipped in with "you don't want to do that", followed by copying and pasting some code which was clearly irrelevant because Paul_B clearly already knew how to calculate a GMT offset.

This post is counter productive and a-responsible. If you have a need for being the center of attraction please do-so on another forum. RaptorUK said nothing wrong. He answered the question in classic RaptorUK style ... "doesn't this solve your problem" ... you on the other hand take offense. How does a document saying that "At incoming of new quotes, the start() function of the attached experts and custom indicators will be executed". Translate to: "There's a clear implication that start() is only." called then is frankly beyond me. If you have beef with the docs then by-all-means take it up with the makers-of-the-docs. Trust me, you defend the docs more than RaptorUK would.

Angevoyageur is correct, you're quite fussy. Why couldn't you just answer the OP question without all the drama? He would have thanked you and moved-on. The forum is full of different people with different personalities and skill set. There's allot of complaining ( yea I said it ) and less actions which goes on. If Angevoyageur wishes to be the guy who says stop_complaining then more power to him. He's got nearly 10,000 post between these two forums. How many do you have (currently 33). He'd earned the right to say stop_complaining and you don't.

WHRoeder is the* strongest programmer I know and biggest contributer to this forum. Sorry we're not going to alienate him just because he say RTFM. Allot of other forums and websites use this term. Like he'd said before, we're all grown-up here. If someone helping me needs to know why I'm doing something the way I'm doing it ... I have two choices, tell them or don't get help. Asking probing question to clarify what someone wants shouldn't be met with mind-your-own-business.

When your contributions weighs enough to warrant such criticism, then I'll by-pass your ranting when I see them. Till then you'll get what you dish out. Peace.


This post is counter productive and a-responsible. If you have a need for being the center of attraction please do-so on another forum. RaptorUK said nothing wrong. He answered the question in classic RaptorUK style ... "doesn't this solve your problem" ... you on the other hand take offense. How does a document saying that "At incoming of new quotes, the start() function of the attached experts and custom indicators will be executed". Translate to: "There's a clear implication that start() is only." called then is frankly beyond me. If you have beef with the docs then by-all-means take it up with the makers-of-the-docs. Trust me, you defend the docs more than RaptorUK would.

just wait till the new shiney MT4 is released . . . then the docs will be even more of a nightmare . . . or maybe I'll be wrong, I really hope to be wrong.

This post is counter productive and a-responsible. [...]

Okay, as a brief farewell to this forum:

Did you ever stop to wonder why all the people who you yourself used to praise in the past - e.g. cloudbreaker, gordon - stopped posting? Could it have anything to do with the fact that the only continuing users have 10,000 posts, 9453 of which are an identical "Don't install in Program Files on Vista" (... in that example, despite the fact that it's perfectly reasonable behaviour because it's the MT4 default).

RaptorUK: just wait till the new shiney MT4 is released . . . then the docs will be even more of a nightmare . . . or maybe I'll be wrong, I really hope to be wrong.
. If an official release of that thing* comes out without updated docs. Angevoyageur better get ready to mute me ... I will be complaining like a sailor.
. If an official release of that thing* comes out without updated docs. Angevoyageur better get ready to mute me ... I will be complaining like a sailor.

cyclops993: Okay, as a brief farewell to this forum:

Did you ever stop to wonder why all the people who you yourself used to praise in the past - e.g. cloudbreaker, gordon - stopped posting? Could it have anything to do with the fact that the only continuing users have 10,000 posts, 9453 of which are an identical "Don't install in Program Files on Vista" (... in that example, despite the fact that it's perfectly reasonable behaviour because it's the MT4 default).

If you go further back, there would be other admins / active_members who are no-longer active. I do-not believe gordon && cloudbreaker chased them away. The question you're asking is very speculative and better directed to those guys themselves.

The culture I met here with those guys is whats continuing. Gordon was good at finding links and big sticker of "Search the Forum". CloudBreaker was basically a Smart-A$$ with mostly what I would have called at the time "Programmer Response". The current generation of mql4.com helpers go much further ... explain more ... code more ... over all do more. You'd be very hard pressed to find actual coding help from those guys.

Those guys didn't go extra milessss or weren't anymore nicerrrr about it. I respect them, I'm thankful for what they contributed and it shows really bad taste talking about people who aren't here to defend themselves. I would wonder why don't these guys provide direct answers to question or make other people do these research. But after answering a load of the same questions the same way 1000 times ... one starts to understand why.

I do-not stay to change mql4.com culture ... I stay to help people and be helped by like minded people. You choose your own path.


cyclops993: Okay, as a brief farewell to this forum:

Did you ever stop to wonder why all the people who you yourself used to praise in the past - e.g. cloudbreaker, gordon - stopped posting? Could it have anything to do with the fact that the only continuing users have 10,000 posts, 9453 of which are an identical "Don't install in Program Files on Vista" (... in that example, despite the fact that it's perfectly reasonable behaviour because it's the MT4 default).

To your other implication that mt4 is just really bad software, and everyone's leaving. I'd say this: what are the alternatives?

If no other trading platform is doing better in solving these issues. Who are we going to blame metaQuotes? If some of the other so-called better platforms out there were so good, I wouldn't have even heard of mt4. Mt4 is the de-facto because its doing or have-done something right. When I was in college, I remember most of my computer professors complaining about how buggy everything Microsoft was. I'd think to myself why so-much hate toward Microsoft ... I love Windows ... its certainly more friendly for me than Linux or Mac. The thing is, the people complaining cannot built a better platform than what we had, but they behave like they could. Reason for that was usually "Business". Every instructor seeks to praise what he/she knows and can get hired in. Most people do-not want to relearn something new.

Microsoft is no-longer evil empire but is the software coming from Open_Source any less buggy. I don't think so. You might be a professional programmer, if you can built a better trading platform .... you do. If I cannot built something, I tend to give the benefit of the doubt to the people who I'm depending upon to built it. It is within this context, right or wrong which I view metaTrader4.


Okay, as a brief farewell to this forum:

Did you ever stop to wonder why all the people who you yourself used to praise in the past - e.g. cloudbreaker, gordon - stopped posting? Could it have anything to do with the fact that the only continuing users have 10,000 posts, 9453 of which are an identical "Don't install in Program Files on Vista" (... in that example, despite the fact that it's perfectly reasonable behaviour because it's the MT4 default).

In my case I make it 313 leaving 11998 posts not about UAC or Program Files . . . I could be wrong though.



And in my case I make it 277 out of 8005

Per the above rants and raves, remember what I have said: "Please do not feed the troll. When you respond, you give the troll power. When you ignore the troll, he starves for attention and eventually dies."

Thx ubzen

RaptorUK: Your link is cut at the "/q?=" - you want do complain to service desk?


And in my case I make it 277 out of 8005

Per the above rants and raves, remember what I have said: "Please do not feed the troll. When you respond, you give the troll power. When you ignore the troll, he starves for attention and eventually dies."

Thx ubzen

RaptorUK: Your link is cut at the "/q?=" - you want do complain to service desk?

I have reported this to the Service Desk . . .