Beta MetaTrader 4 Build 555 with Updated MQL4 Language and Market of Applications Released - page 5


i compiled them in metaeditor 5.00 Build 880 and ran them on MT 4.00 Build 556 and it works correctly and loads fast

SDC: i compiled them in metaeditor 556 which one are you using ?

yes mine is 880 too, I thought it was 556 because the mt4 is 556, it is actually 880 sorry about the confusion there, my fault.

SDC: yes mine is 880 too
I'll try compiling under the old editor and see what happens.

when I compiled in the old editor it was very slow to load on 556 but it did work correctly eventually


here are my ex4's compiled in metaeditor 5.00 Build 880 try these in MT4 beta 556.

master.ex4  6 kb
slave.ex4  6 kb
master.mq4  1 kb
slave.mq4  1 kb
I'm running the master... just checked. Even my own simpler codes do-not work. If I was just running slave, it should alert( slave, 0 ); What version of the Editor are you using?

I confirm same result as yours. Build 557/880. Display "5" as alert.

But legacy ex4 is working well (compiled with 509, run with 557).

SDC: here are my ex4's compiled in metaeditor 5.00 Build 880 try these in MT4 beta 556.

This is freaking crazy lmao. Your version same problem. It likes the Old Editor ... toke about 3 seconds to load tho. Well we'll see what metaQuotes have to say.


yes that is crazy lol .. I think i need to update mine to 557 so we are on the same page, I still have the earlier build 556


OK this is weird it was working fine in build 556. I updated to 557 and my result is now the same as yours, the string is not getting passed with the new compiler, im only getting the integer 5.

The one compiled with the old compiler 509 works correctly on 557 it passes the string but still very slow to load.