Beta MetaTrader 4 Build 555 with Updated MQL4 Language and Market of Applications Released - page 6


OK this is weird it was working fine in build 556. I updated to 557 and my result is now the same as yours, the string is not getting passed with the new compiler, im only getting the integer 5.

The one compiled with the old compiler 509 works correctly on 557 it passes the string but still very slow to load.

For compiled with 509/ran with 557, it load fastly for me, but maybe related to computer or other setting.

I created two similar indicators in metaeditor 509 I put the ex4's in beta 556 and the Master called the slave and transfered the string parameter correctly to the slave but it was extemely slow, in MT4 509 it loaded in a split second, in MT4 beta 556 the blue circle went round and round for about 30 seconds..

Here are my two indicators if you want to test them.

EDIT: I copied the source code and compiled the two files in metaeditor beta 556 to see if there was any difference. The result was very different. The indicator loaded instantly and worked correctly.

When compiled with build 556 or build 557 (which is the current one) or whatever version of beta metatrader 4 prior to 557 it does not pass the string type parameters correctly. That bug exists from the first build of beta and was always doing the same thing. Compiling with build 509 or with metatrader 5 is only showing that the other two have compilers that are working correctly while the beta metatrader 4 compiler is buggy (not just regarding this string parameters issue). That was just one example what is happening with new beta metatrader 4

When compiled with build 556 or build 557 (which is the current one) or whatever version of beta metatrader 4 prior to 557 it does not pass the string type parameters correctly. That bug exists from the first build of beta and was always doing the same thing. Compiling with build 509 or with metatrader 5 is only showing that the other two have compilers that are working correctly while the beta metatrader 4 compiler is buggy (not just regarding this string parameters issue). That was just one example what is happening with new beta metatrader 4
It did pass the string correctly when compiled with 5:00 880 and run on MT4 build 556 but not on the subsequent mt4 build 557
It did pass the string correctly when compiled with 5:00 880 and run on MT4 build 556 but not on the subsequent mt4 build 557

If you compile it using metatrader 4 build 509 or metatrader 5 (build 880 that you used) it works OK. But compiling it with beta metatrader 4 will always cause an error. You will agree that using either current metatrader 4 or metatrader 5 to compile something that should then run in beta metatrader 4 is not a solution - the compiler used in beta metatrader should be able to solve any issues the same way as those two other compilers

I have another issue - the editor this time.

Putting the following code reliably confuses the Metaeditor, which ends up with full single thread load:

I did not find a way how to resurrect it. It must be killed via the Task Manager. The code does not need to be saved. Actually, if I managed to save it, I would not be able to start the Metaeditor any more, until I edited the file by other means.


If you compile it using metatrader 4 build 509 or metatrader 5 (build 880 that you used) it works OK. But compiling it with beta metatrader 4 will always cause an error. You will agree that using either current metatrader 4 or metatrader 5 to compile something that should then run in beta metatrader 4 is not a solution - the compiler used in beta metatrader should be able to solve any issues the same way as those two other compilers
This is why it's named a beta. If it's still not corrected with tho official release then you will have reason to complain.
This is why it's named a beta. If it's still not corrected with tho official release then you will have reason to complain.

That is supposed to be funny?

Posting an example where a beta version is making an error is "complaining"? Strange. I thought that in the beta phase showing an error is helping developers to pinpoint and resolve problems, but then, hey, I must be stupid since I did not understand that I was "complaining". All the best in your ways of solving problems



That is supposed to be funny?

Posting an example where a beta version is making an error is "complaining"? Strange. I thought that in the beta phase showing an error is helping developers to pinpoint and resolve problems, but then, hey, I must be stupid since I did not understand that I was "complaining". All the best in your ways of solving problems


Rosh asked to write to ServiceDesk, have you done ?


If you compile it using metatrader 4 build 509 or metatrader 5 (build 880 that you used) it works OK. But compiling it with beta metatrader 4 will always cause an error. You will agree that using either current metatrader 4 or metatrader 5 to compile something that should then run in beta metatrader 4 is not a solution - the compiler used in beta metatrader should be able to solve any issues the same way as those two other compilers

I didnt use MetaTrader5. MetaEditor 5.00 build 880 is the editor version included with MT4 builds 556 and 557.

I think you misunderstood what I was doing. I was not trying to find a working solution to a problem. I had some time this morning so I was testing the latest beta release for an issue Ovo reported in an earlier beta release, to determine if it still existed for the purpose of submitting a current bug report. (Ubzen has set up bug report log on his profile for this purpose.) Such testing and reporting might help the development team get us closer to a stable release we can work with.

Could anyone help me to find a way how to edit code templates? It used to be *.mqt files. I cannot find them :)