only refresh one symbol



It seems like MT4 refreshed all symbols (all currencies etc)... Is it possible to only make it refresh one FX pair ?

When using 3G connection, it may be less data to send/receive if you only refresh the FX pair you're trading.



Updates only those pairs you have charts open. Updates on disconnect/reconnect. Reduce max bars on chart.
Thanks WHRoeder. So when the "market watch" is not shown, it doesnt update those figures ?

Because when i turn it on, it seems to be up to date (or the refresh is too fast i dont see it ;-))

The open charts create heavy load right after connection - this is what WHR meant.

In addition, the market-watch (even if window is closed) subscribes to live feeds of those tickers, that are displayed in the market watch window. You can reduce the number of tickers in the market watch. You cannot remove feed for the current charts and a conversion pair (between the account currency and base currencies).