How to chance funny numbers input fields


I'm trying to add some external var so i can change the colors on the indicator lines.

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 5
#property indicator_color1 Black
#property indicator_color2 Blue
#property indicator_color3 Red
#property indicator_color4 DodgerBlue
#property indicator_color5 DeepPink

//---- input parameters

extern bool Alert_on? =True;
extern bool Pop_Up_Box=False;
extern double Time_Out=7;
extern bool Full_Voice_Support? = true;
extern int UpperLineColor=Blue;
extern int BottomLineColor=Red;
extern int DBLClickTopColor=DodgerBlue;
extern int DBLClickBottomColor=DeepPink;
extern string INSTURCTIONS____= "The Above requires 20 additional Sound files.";

//---- buffers
double ExtMapBuffer1[];
double ExtMapBuffer2[];
double ExtMapBuffer3[];
double ExtMapBuffer4[];
double ExtMapBuffer5[];

When i look at the indicator's input field it looks like this: UpperLineColor: 16711680

I have tried to change UpperLineColor to double instead of int, but it doesn't change anything.

Any ideas of what i have done wrong?

use the color variable, not int

Thank you for your reply alladir.

Didn't even know it exist, thanks!

You knew about int, double, bool and string but you didn't know the other three?