Can someone participate in mql4 market if banned in mql5? - page 2

I wana participate appstore
You should have heeded the repeated warning you were given, you know this . . . I have told you repeatedly via PM . . . you have not been BANNED for 10 years, why are you lying yet again ? you have been BANNED permanently from mql5 . . . if you continue to pursue this topic here, it is off topic for this forum, you will be BANNED here as well.
You should have heeded the repeated warning you were given, you know this . . . I have told you repeatedly via PM . . . you have not been BANNED for 10 years, why are you lying yet again ? you have been BANNED permanently from mql5 . . . if you continue to pursue this topic here, it is off topic for this forum, you will be BANNED here as well.

In my profile it reads as so. See below image it say until 2023. Guys please help talk raptor.

Ive heeded warning since angevoyageur and become more positive in forum. The last one was just angry reaction to provocation. Below are some of positive activity in mql5 since angevoyageur reduced 1 month ban to 1 week.




. if you continue to pursue this topic here, it is off topic for this forum, you will be BANNED here as well.

Oh dear . . .

Sorry for an offtopic but this demagougery just reminded me of an anecdote.

A wise man (doesn't really apply here) comes to a king and says: "I can teach a donkey to read".

"Really?" - says king - "What will you need for that?"

"100 gold coins and in ten years the donkey will read any book you chose"

When asked by someone how he was going to accomplish that the wise man said: "In ten years either the king or the donkey or I will be long dead"

So I guess this permanent ban with the date on it is something similar. I guess there is another Mayyan prediction for the end of the world that MT staff knows about :).

Ahmad Mehdiyev #:

Sorry for an offtopic but this demagougery just reminded me of an anecdote.

A wise man (doesn't really apply here) comes to a king and says: "I can teach a donkey to read".

"Really?" - says king - "What will you need for that?"

"100 gold coins and in ten years the donkey will read any book you chose"

When asked by someone how he was going to accomplish that the wise man said: "In ten years either the king or the donkey or I will be long dead"

So I guess this permanent ban with the date on it is something similar. I guess there is another Mayyan prediction for the end of the world that MT staff knows about :).

It's 2023 now and the world definitely hasn't ended yet 🤣