how to get trade listing and Account History Listing


good day, may i know how do i :

  1. Get Trade ID / Order ID while doing open position / new order (not pending order).
  2. Get Pending Order ID while doing pending order.
  3. Get trade / position listing information include Order ID, Time, Type, Size, Symbol, S/L, T/P, Price, Swap, Profit.
  4. Get Account History listing information include Order ID, Time, Type, Size, Symbol, S/L, T/P, Price, Swap, Profit.



good day, may i know how do i :

  1. Get Trade ID / Order ID while doing open position / new order (not pending order).
  2. Get Pending Order ID while doing pending order.
  3. Get trade / position listing information include Order ID, Time, Type, Size, Symbol, S/L, T/P, Price, Swap, Profit.
  4. Get Account History listing information include Order ID, Time, Type, Size, Symbol, S/L, T/P, Price, Swap, Profit.
Read the documentation for the trading functions, they give you what you need.