critical error wininet.dll



I am using wininet.dll to pass some data from my webserver to mt4. Everything is working as it should I do however once in a while get the following error message:

"function 'InternetReadFile' call from dll 'wininet.dll' critical error c0000005 at 763A1285."

When I get this message the response from the webserver has not the expected length but is cut off. E.g.:

correct: "response"
after error: "resp" or "re" ...

It does not really affect functionality of my ea because the next call after the error is working fine. I don't like error messages in general though so I would like to get rid of this problem ;)

Thank you!

Thankful for any suggestions ... :)
Thankful for any suggestions ... :)
What did the Service Desk say ?
What did the Service Desk say ?

I am sorry but I don't understand what you mean by this.

I am sorry but I don't understand what you mean by this.
OK, I guess you haven't reported this issue to MetaQuotes via the Service Desk ?

Ah ... I wasn't aware of this possiblitly. I tried to contact them now. Lets see if they have an idea.

Thank you