zero divide



Not sure how to deal with math about ordersend lots, lotstep, minlot.... So I tried some, and suddenly an "zero divide" occured. By adding some debug "print", I'm sure it's because the math I just mentioned.

Print("here   4");
double pudanlot = MathFloor( (beginposlot+secondposlot)/ratio/LotStep )*LotStep;
Print("here   5");

Running this code, I could see ratio=13.532, then see "here 4", then "zero divide".

Any idea?



Not sure how to deal with math about ordersend lots, lotstep, minlot.... So I tried some, and suddenly an "zero divide" occured. By adding some debug "print", I'm sure it's because the math I just mentioned.

Running this code, I could see "here 4", then "zero divide".

Any idea?

Read this thread and learn from it:

Then check the value of LotStep


Thanks a lot, RaptorUK and SDC.

The bug is "LotStep", which is defined before these lines, in a "if" block, so sometimes this block doesn't run.