Duplicate orders being sent? - page 3

I'm actually going through my entire code now and wanted to double check all my loops. I assume this is ok?

It looks OK to me, the only thing you aren't doing that you should iss checking that your OrderSelect() has worked . . . if it hasn't worked your OrderSymbol() call isn't going to return the correct value.

One off topic suggestion . . .

//| Check to see if any order open on this currency pair                                                                                   |

int OpenOrdersThisPair(string pair = "") // <-----  changed
   int total=0;

   if(pair = "") pair = Symbol();             // <-----  added
   for(int i=OrdersTotal()-1; i>=0; i--)
      if(OrderSymbol()==pair) total++;

then your . . .

if(OpenOrdersThisPair(Symbol()) > 0)

. . . . can be simplified to . .

if(OpenOrdersThisPair() > 0)

. . . when you are using the chart symbol.

Thanks for the heads-up - good tip. :)