Ctrl-F6 and Ctrl-tab both go to Previously opened Chart.. what about Next Chart?


Hi guys, to be honest I don't even know if this is can be coded or not so some help would be appreciated... literally I have always thought that mt4's built-in function of switching to the previously opened chart using Ctrl-F6 and Ctrl-tab really needs another function to switch to the previous and next chart based on timeframe, but I've never been able to find a function within mt4 or a script.

Could you guys let me know if this even possible to code, as I imagine if something needs to be coded it would have to read all the open charts, sort them in order, then use PostMessageA to to open the chosen one?

So, if this is possible, please let me know.

https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/123807. You'll have to play around with PostMessageA in_order to produce the effects you want.
Thanks Ubzen, so it's definitely possible!