Here is the other part of code.
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Calculate optimal lot size | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double LotsOptimized() { lot = Lots; int orders = HistoryTotal(); // history orders total int losses = 0; // number of losses orders without a break //---- select lot size lot=NormalizeDouble(AccountFreeMargin()*MaximumRisk/1000.0,1); //---- calcuulate number of losses orders without a break if(DecreaseFactor>0) { for(int i=orders-1;i>=0;i--) { if(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY)==false) { Print("Error in history!"); break; } if(OrderSymbol()!=Symbol() || OrderType()>OP_SELL) continue; //--------------- if(OrderProfit()>0) break; if(OrderProfit()<0) losses++; } if(losses>1) lot=NormalizeDouble(lot-lot*losses/DecreaseFactor,1); } //------------------ return lot size if(lot<0.1) lot=0.1; return(lot); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ // CountAll() //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int CountAll( string Symbole, int Magic ) { //---- int count = 0; for (int i = OrdersTotal() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if ( OrderMagicNumber() != Magic ) continue; if ( OrderSymbol() != Symbole ) continue; if ( OrderType() == OP_BUY ) { count++; } else if ( OrderType() == OP_SELL ) { count++; } } //---- return(count); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Calculate Stop Long | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double StopLong(double price,double stop,double point,double SymDgts ) { if(stop==0) { return(0); } else { return(NormalizeDouble( price-(stop*point),SymDgts)); } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Calculate Stop Short | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double StopShrt(double price,double stop,double point,double SymDgts ) { if(stop==0) { return(0); } else { return(NormalizeDouble( price+(stop*point),SymDgts)); } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Calculate Profit Target Long | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double TakeLong(double price,double take,double point,double SymDgts ) { if(take==0) { return(0);} else { return(NormalizeDouble( price+(take*point),SymDgts));} } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Calculate Profit Target Long | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double TakeShrt(double price,double take,double point,double SymDgts ) { if(take==0) { return(0);} else { return(NormalizeDouble( price-(take*point),SymDgts));} } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Place Long Order | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int EnterLong( string FinalSymbol, double FinalLots, string EA_Comment ) { int Ticket = -1; int err = 0; bool OrderLoop = False; int TryCount = 0; while( !OrderLoop ) { while( IsTradeContextBusy() ) { Sleep( 10 ); } RefreshRates(); double SymAsk = NormalizeDouble( MarketInfo( FinalSymbol, MODE_ASK ), SymDigits ); double SymBid = NormalizeDouble( MarketInfo( FinalSymbol, MODE_BID ), SymDigits ); Ticket = OrderSend( FinalSymbol, OP_BUY, FinalLots, SymAsk, 0, 0.0, 0.0, EA_Comment, MagicNumber, 0, CLR_NONE ); int Err=GetLastError(); switch (Err) { //---- Success case ERR_NO_ERROR: OrderLoop = true; if( OrderSelect( Ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET ) ) { OrderModify( Ticket, OrderOpenPrice(), StopLong(SymBid,StopLoss, SymPoints,SymDigits), TakeLong(SymAsk,ProfitTarget,SymPoints,SymDigits), 0, CLR_NONE ); } break; //---- Retry Error case ERR_SERVER_BUSY: case ERR_NO_CONNECTION: case ERR_INVALID_PRICE: case ERR_OFF_QUOTES: case ERR_BROKER_BUSY: case ERR_TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY: TryCount++; break; case ERR_PRICE_CHANGED: case ERR_REQUOTE: continue; //---- Fatal known Error case ERR_INVALID_STOPS: OrderLoop = true; Print( "Invalid Stops" ); break; case ERR_INVALID_TRADE_VOLUME: OrderLoop = true; Print( "Invalid Lots" ); break; case ERR_MARKET_CLOSED: OrderLoop = true; Print( "Market Close" ); break; case ERR_TRADE_DISABLED: OrderLoop = true; Print( "Trades Disabled" ); break; case ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY: OrderLoop = true; Print( "Not Enough Money" ); break; case ERR_TRADE_TOO_MANY_ORDERS: OrderLoop = true; Print( "Too Many Orders" ); break; //---- Fatal Unknown Error case ERR_NO_RESULT: default: OrderLoop = true; Print( "Unknown Error - " + Err ); break; //---- } // end switch if( TryCount > 10) { OrderLoop = true; } } //---- return(Ticket); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Place Shrt Order | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int EnterShrt( string FinalSymbol, double FinalLots, string EA_Comment ) { int Ticket = -1; int err = 0; bool OrderLoop = False; int TryCount = 0; while( !OrderLoop ) { while( IsTradeContextBusy() ) { Sleep( 10 ); } RefreshRates(); double SymAsk = NormalizeDouble( MarketInfo( FinalSymbol, MODE_ASK ), SymDigits ); double SymBid = NormalizeDouble( MarketInfo( FinalSymbol, MODE_BID ), SymDigits ); Ticket = OrderSend( FinalSymbol, OP_SELL, FinalLots, SymBid, 0, 0.0, 0.0, EA_Comment, MagicNumber, 0, CLR_NONE ); int Err=GetLastError(); switch (Err) { //---- Success case ERR_NO_ERROR: OrderLoop = true; if( OrderSelect( Ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET ) ) { OrderModify( Ticket, OrderOpenPrice(), StopShrt(SymAsk,StopLoss, SymPoints,SymDigits), TakeShrt(SymBid,ProfitTarget, SymPoints,SymDigits), 0, CLR_NONE ); } break; //---- Retry Error case ERR_SERVER_BUSY: case ERR_NO_CONNECTION: case ERR_INVALID_PRICE: case ERR_OFF_QUOTES: case ERR_BROKER_BUSY: case ERR_TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY: TryCount++; break; case ERR_PRICE_CHANGED: case ERR_REQUOTE: continue; //---- Fatal known Error case ERR_INVALID_STOPS: OrderLoop = true; Print( "Invalid Stops" ); break; case ERR_INVALID_TRADE_VOLUME: OrderLoop = true; Print( "Invalid Lots" ); break; case ERR_MARKET_CLOSED: OrderLoop = true; Print( "Market Close" ); break; case ERR_TRADE_DISABLED: OrderLoop = true; Print( "Trades Disabled" ); break; case ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY: OrderLoop = true; Print( "Not Enough Money" ); break; case ERR_TRADE_TOO_MANY_ORDERS: OrderLoop = true; Print( "Too Many Orders" ); break; //---- Fatal Unknown Error case ERR_NO_RESULT: default: OrderLoop = true; Print( "Unknown Error - " + Err ); break; //---- } // end switch if( TryCount > 10) { OrderLoop = true; } } //---- return(Ticket); }
Hello I have an indicator and am trying to get it to work in my Ea.
1st I tried to use I custom no buffer values then I inserted it into my Ea and nothing.
- You don't provide the indicator so we can't even check your iCustom call
- You don't provide what the indicator values are vs what you get from the iCustom call
- "nothing" is meaning less. There are no mind readers here. iCustom returns something. If you mean it doesn't trade why haven't you placed your print statements dumping your variables so you find out why. If you mean iCustom isn't returning what you think you should have, did you print them out? Did you check GetLastError()?
- We're not going to debug your code for you. (Even IF you provided the indicator and all your code.)
- Detailed explanation of iCustom - MQL4 forum
Sorry I am a beginner and Yes you were correct so went through my code and corrected the bugs.
Thanks for the link I got iCustom to work. Here is the indicator to help others.
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Step_EMA_LK.mq4 | //| Copyright © 2009, Leif Karlsson. | //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Please feel free to copy, modify and / or redistribute this | //| software / source code in any way you see fit. | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //+ ********************* Shameless Ad. **************************** + //+ * I do custom programing jobs in Java, C, X86 Assembler & MQL4 * + //+ ***** Pleace do not hesitate to get in contact if you nead ***** + //+ ***** something special: EA, indicator or somthing else. ******* + //+ ****************** ******************* + //+ **************************************************************** + //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright © 2009, Leif Kalrsson" #property link "mailto://" //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property indicator_chart_window #property indicator_buffers 2 #property indicator_color1 Yellow #property indicator_color2 Red #property indicator_width1 1 //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ extern int EMAPeriod = 15; extern int ERangePeriod = 12; extern int ERangeWindow = 5; // Must be less then ERangePeriod, think of it as custom TF extern string AppliedPriceText1 = "Close: 0, Open: 1, High: 2, Low: 3"; extern string AppliedPriceText2 = "Median: 4, Typical: 5, Weighted: 6"; extern int AppliedPrice = 4; extern int PriceShift = 0; extern int MaxBars = 4000; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ double UpBuffer[]; double DwBuffer[]; double Price[]; double ERange[]; double EmaAlpha = 0.0; double ERangeAlpha = 0.0; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int init() { IndicatorDigits(Digits+1); IndicatorBuffers(4); SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE); SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_LINE); SetIndexBuffer(0, UpBuffer); SetIndexBuffer(1, DwBuffer); SetIndexBuffer(2, Price); SetIndexBuffer(3, ERange); IndicatorShortName("Step_EMA, EMAPeriod: " + EMAPeriod + ", ERangePeriod: " + ERangePeriod + " "); EmaAlpha = 2.0/(EMAPeriod + 1.0); ERangeAlpha = 2.0/(ERangePeriod + 1.0); Print( " WindowExpertName() ", WindowExpertName()) ; return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int start() { int j = 0; int i = IndicatorCounted(); if(i < 0) return(-1); i = Bars - i; if(i > MaxBars) { i = MaxBars; ArrayInitialize(UpBuffer, EMPTY_VALUE); ArrayInitialize(DwBuffer, EMPTY_VALUE); ArrayInitialize(ERange, High[i]-Low[i]); } j = i; while(j >= 0) { Price[j] = iMA(NULL, 0, 1, 0, 0, AppliedPrice, j+PriceShift); j--; } while(i >= 0) { /* int f_New_Time,NewBar; bool f_New_Bar = false; static datetime New_Time; if (New_Time!=Time[0]) { New_Time = Time[0]; f_New_Bar=true; } if (f_New_Bar==true){ if ( UpBuffer[i]!= EMPTY_VALUE ) { Print( " WindowExpertName() ",WindowExpertName()," UpBuffer = ",UpBuffer[i]); } if ( DwBuffer[i]!= EMPTY_VALUE ) { Print( " WindowExpertName() ",WindowExpertName()," DwBuffer = ",DwBuffer[i]); } } */ // Print( " WindowExpertName() ",WindowExpertName()," UpBuffer = ",UpBuffer[i]," DwBuffer = ",DwBuffer[i] ); if ( UpBuffer[i]!= EMPTY_VALUE ) { Print( " UpBuffer = ",UpBuffer[i]); } if ( DwBuffer[i]!= EMPTY_VALUE ) { Print( " DwBuffer = ",DwBuffer[i]); } double Range = 0.0; double StepSize = 0.0; double SEma = 0.0; double OldSEma = 0.0; Range = High[ArrayMaximum(High, ERangeWindow, i+PriceShift+1)] - Low[ArrayMinimum(Low, ERangeWindow, i+PriceShift+1)]; ERange[i] = (1.0-ERangeAlpha)*ERange[i+1] + ERangeAlpha*Range; StepSize = ERange[i]; if(UpBuffer[i+1] != EMPTY_VALUE) SEma = (1.0-EmaAlpha)*UpBuffer[i+1] + EmaAlpha*Price[i]; if(DwBuffer[i+1] != EMPTY_VALUE) SEma = (1.0-EmaAlpha)*DwBuffer[i+1] + EmaAlpha*Price[i]; if(SEma == 0.0) SEma = Price[i]; if(SEma < Price[i]-StepSize) SEma = Price[i]-StepSize; if(SEma > Price[i]+StepSize) SEma = Price[i]+StepSize; if(UpBuffer[i+1] == EMPTY_VALUE) OldSEma = DwBuffer[i+1]; else OldSEma = UpBuffer[i+1]; if(SEma > OldSEma) { UpBuffer[i] = SEma; DwBuffer[i] = EMPTY_VALUE; if(UpBuffer[i+1] == EMPTY_VALUE) UpBuffer[i+1] = OldSEma; } else { DwBuffer[i] = SEma; UpBuffer[i] = EMPTY_VALUE; if(DwBuffer[i+1] == EMPTY_VALUE) DwBuffer[i+1] = OldSEma; } i--; } return(0); }
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Hello I have an indicator and am trying to get it to work in my Ea.
1st I tried to use I custom no buffer values then I inserted it into my Ea and nothing.
Need some help thanks. Here is part of my code.