Post live trading orders/actions to web/MySql


Hi all.

I ve searched a lot but i havent found anything in this forum or web that could help enough to answer my question.

I try to post/export live trading orders (instant and pending) from MT4 account to my web hosting/MySQL (or through any other solution available).
From what i ve understood the safest solution is to do this over HTML POST or GET cause in general hosting (and the hostign i use as well) does not support remote access to the MySQL server.

I also wanna do this live while a trade/SL/Pending order opens, close, moves so any type of delay at all (like using FTP) is out of question.

Could anyone advise/help more on that please? Any ideas?



You will will need to move the information using a seperate thread or process.

eg write live trades to a local file, then a completely separate program sends the data to remote location. This will ensure MT process is minimally impacted by data transfer.

Alternatively you could write the information to file or global variables and then have another EA send to remote location but this might be using the wrong tool for the task at hand.

FWIW FTP has less overhead and generally faster than HTTP

I think its possible but ive never tried. Ive seen an article about using wininet.dll to make http posts but i couldn't locate it. Just search the site about wininet maybe moderators deleted the article.
I think its possible but ive never tried. Ive seen an article about using wininet.dll to make http posts but i couldn't locate it. Just search the site about wininet maybe moderators deleted the article.

thanks. i found some relative threads. i wonder if there is an other easier solutions, software or sample/ready made scripts that could help me on that
