How to allow microlot 0.01 in my Strategy Tester ?



I have a disconnected MetaTrader 4 to backtest.
I want to backtest with microlots, 0.01 lot.

I get an error 131 when I try to open a 0.01 lot order :
ERR_INVALID_TRADE_VOLUME 131 Invalid trade volume.

How to allow microlot 0.01 in my Strategy Tester ?

Thank you.
Get a demo account that allows Microlots ?


How to resize an authorized Strategy Tester in order?


I have a disconnected MetaTrader 4 to backtest.
I want to backtest with microlots, 0.01 lot.

I get an error 131 when I try to open a 0.01 lot order :
ERR_INVALID_TRADE_VOLUME 131 Invalid trade volume.

How to allow microlot 0.01 in my Strategy Tester ?

Thank you.
What is your MarketInfo(Symbol, MODE_MINLOT) ?

//|                                                   MarketInfo.mq4 |
//|                        Copyright 2013, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                               |
#property copyright "Copyright 2013, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""

//| script program start function                                    |
int start()
   Print("Symbol() :" + Symbol());
   Print("MarketInfo :" + MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT));

2013.08.28 16:39:10 MarketInfo EURUSD,H1: removed
2013.08.28 16:39:10 MarketInfo EURUSD,H1: uninit reason 0
2013.08.28 16:39:10 MarketInfo EURUSD,H1: MarketInfo :0.00000000
2013.08.28 16:39:10 MarketInfo EURUSD,H1: Symbol() :EURUSD
2013.08.28 16:39:10 MarketInfo EURUSD,H1: loaded successfully

tintin92: How to allow microlot 0.01 in my Strategy Tester ?
You need to connect to a broker who allows 0.01 lots. Once you have the market_info saved. Then dis-connect using the bogus_proxy method. This problem usually happens to platforms which was never connected and/or lost it's market_info file information.
Thanks RaptorUK and ubzen.


I succeed but it was not without difficulties.
I think the proxy configuration is important.
Each time I start MT4, I have to click on the login of my broker, otherwise it does not work.
There is no connection, but I have to click on the login button to have a 0.01 Lots

I thought for a moment, to multiply my demo cash by one hundred, and divide the result by one hundred.
Would it give a reliable result?
Thanks RaptorUK and ubzen.


I succeed but it was not without difficulties.
I think the proxy configuration is important.
Each time I start MT4, I have to click on the login of my broker, otherwise it does not work.
There is no connection, but I have to click on the login button to have a 0.01 Lots

I thought for a moment, to multiply my demo cash by one hundred, and divide the result by one hundred.
Would it give a reliable result?

If you're still having problems making the data 0.01 stay then make sure that you don't have the terminal installed on C:\Program_Files for Windows 7/8/Vista. I usually install Meta-Trader on just C\Meta-Trader. I provided instructions for doing this within the link I give earlier.

I guess in relative terms, you can use 10x | 100x the deposit and get results that way. However, only the % Reports would be accurate. To avoid mistakes with this approach, I'll recommend trying to fix your problem ..... because 0.01 lots does work for allot of people and is fixable. Use your method if you absolutely have no_choice.