Need help for indicator.


I am converting my old indicator of MQL4 to MQL5. I having a problem.

MQL code like :


int Volatility_Band = 34 ;


   for(int i=limit; i>=0; i--)
      RSIBuf[i] = (iRSI(NULL,0,RSI_Period,RSI_Price,i));
      MA = 0;

      for(int x=i; x<i+Volatility_Band; x++) {
         RSI[x-i] = RSIBuf[x];
         MA += RSIBuf[x]/Volatility_Band;

      UpZone[i] = (MA + (1.6185 * StDev(RSI,Volatility_Band)));
      DnZone[i] = (MA - (1.6185 * StDev(RSI,Volatility_Band))); 
      MdZone[i] = ((UpZone[i] + DnZone[i])/2);


the code is working fine in MQL4. but when I write same as MQL5.

 for(i=limit; i>=0 && !IsStopped(); i--)
      RSIBuf[i] = (iRSIMQL4(NULL,0,RSI_Period,RSI_Price,i));
      UpZone[i] = (iRSIMQL4(NULL,0,RSI_Period,RSI_Price,i));
      MA = 0;
      for(int x=i; x <(i+Volatility_Band); x++) {
        RSI[x-i] = RSIBuf[x];
        MA += RSIBuf[x]/Volatility_Band;


 but MQL5 code is not work. I found what's wrong there. second loop int x. never end into MQL5. second loop going and going. is anyone help me . how am I correct MQL5 code


i think i found why the code is not working into MQL5. i debug below code:


void OnInit()





   PlotIndexSetString(0,PLOT_LABEL,"Traders Dynamic Index");

   IndicatorSetString(INDICATOR_SHORTNAME,"Traders Dynamic Index");















//---- the number of the indicator's horizontal levels is 5   


//---- Values of the indicator horizontal levels   




//---- gray and magenta colors are used for horizontal levels lines  




//---- Short dot-dash is used for the horizontal level line  








      for(int x=i; x <(i+Volatility_Band); x++) {
        RSI[x-i] = RSIBuf[x];
        MA += RSIBuf[x]/Volatility_Band;


in this code a error rise on the line of  "RSIBuf[x]" :  "array out of range". i declare buffer double RSIBuf[].   now how can i solve this problem.  

Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Objects Constants / Web Colors
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Objects Constants / Web Colors
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Objects Constants / Web Colors - Documentation on MQL5
  • Please EDIT your posts and use the SRC button when you post code. Thanks.
  • In a mql5, index of a indicator's buffer must be strictly between 0 and rates_total-1.