Start function every tick? - page 2


it is enough to calculate the things you want once per bar. that is why I mentioned new bar checking. there are several ways to check, below is an example.

this returns true when a new bar is formed (it happens after when the the next (#1) bar is completed).

Call your function twice during the same tick . . see what happens.

This works also:

//| isNewBar()                                                       |
bool isNewBar() 
   bool blnReturn = false;
   static int iLastBar = 0;
   if ( Bars != iLastBar ) 
      iLastBar = Bars;     
      blnReturn = true;
   return( blnReturn );

Is the MACD_sample.mq4 example distributed with MetaTrader then wrong?

There is no checking of a new bar.

The calculation of MACD is not shifted by 1.

When I include isNewBar in the example, backtesting results are different, the same if I shift by 1.

That's not good as example.


This works also:

It won't when Bars = Max bars on chart because the value of Bars will no longer increment. Always use time.

The MACD sample will perform these calculations for each tick . . .
