Filled Rectangle?

Is it possible to fill OBJ_RECTANGLE with color somehow?
Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Objects Constants / Object Types
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Objects Constants / Object Types - Documentation on MQL5

If you enable property "Draw object as background" you'll get it.



If you enable property "Draw object as background" you'll get it.


I mean from MQL.
See property OBJPROP_BACK - Object Properties

See property OBJPROP_BACK - Object Properties

Thank you very much! But I suggest marking it more clearly in the help file what this property does. It's quite hard to predict from looking at it that it will fill the rectangle with its color.
Is it possible to fill OBJ_RECTANGLE with color somehow?

Actually, Setting PROP_BACk to true will not necessarily fill the rectangle in MQL5... The correct property is  OBJPROP_FILL

ex:  ObjectSetInteger (0,"RectangleObject",OBJPROP_FILL, true); 


that didn't work for me but this worked :

>>just go to this second tab and check the box to fill