Anti decompiler must be the new features for metaeditor


An EA is master pieces of the author and copyrighted, must be great if MQ4 Vendor can make automatically generated some code to make all compiled EA is can not decompile by hacker or by everyone except MQ4 vendor.

if anybody agree please reply this thread, or if do not like reply with reason too.

So my suggestion to vendor and question for anybody is :

for vendor of metaeditor : It is importance to add some auto anti decompiler directly each time we compile an MQ4 code by metaeditor ????.

for anybody : do you agree or not, or do not like this, give the reason.


An EA is master pieces of the author and copyrighted, must be great if MQ4 Vendor can make automatically generated some code to make all compiled EA is can not decompile by hacker or by everyone except MQ4 vendor.

if anybody agree please reply this thread, or if do not like reply with reason too.

So my suggestion to vendor and question for anybody is :

for vendor of metaeditor : It is importance to add some auto anti decompiler directly each time we compile an MQ4 code by metaeditor ????.

for anybody : do you agree or not, or do not like this, give the reason.

How do you handle backwards compatibility with old compiled code where the buyer has just bought the compiled file and not the soure code ?
i think it is simple, i can give the new compiled file (compiled by newer version of metaeditor) with free. this is great for EA industries

Just simple too to call hacker (decompiled ex4 from copyrighted material) is a theft, so many out there we are all know about theft of the Illegal MQ4 copyrighted material, i saw on newer version is have a features can not compile Mq4 file from decompiled code ??, why not to complete the anti decompiled each time compile by newer version of metaeditor.

Help the theft or help the person who have the copyrighted material ????

and it is different story if i or we have guessing "vendor of metaeditor is HELP contribute to build decompiled software vendor / other company or person" to make such a new theft hacker bussiness ?, i think metaeditor vendor is not like this.

And for How do to handle backwards compatibility with old compiled code where the buyer has just bought the compiled file and not the soure code ?,

i believe we all must change behaviour of how to sell EA by give buyer newer ex4 compatibility with free when ever buyer want, and i believe metaeditor Vendor is smart and clever to make this thing happen on next new meta editor version.

i think it is simple, i can give the new compiled file (compiled by newer version of metaeditor) with free. this is great for EA industries
How if you do not have the source code to compile ?

wow, How if you do not have the source code to compile ? is a weird question.

Seller surely have the source code since the seller have the compiled code, if seller do not have the source code (original or not by author of EA) the seller must be a theft from someone else and not the original EA author.


wow, How if you do not have the source code to compile ? is a weird question.

Seller surely have the source code since the seller have the compiled code, if seller do not have the source code (original or not by author of EA) the seller must be a theft from someone else and not the original EA author.

The Seller does have the source code, but may no longer be supporting customers, what do those customers do ? they don't have the source code so they cannot re-compile.

What customers do ?,

As i said above, we all must change behaviour of how to sell EA by give buyer newer ex4 compatibility with free when ever buyer want, and i believe metaeditor Vendor is smart and clever to make this thing happen on next new meta editor version.


What customers do ?,

As i said above, we all must change behaviour of how to sell EA by give buyer newer ex4 compatibility with free when ever buyer want, and i believe metaeditor Vendor is smart and clever to make this thing happen on next new meta editor version.

Plenty of customers have bought EAs and Indicators and then some time later found that they can't get support or that the website they bought from is no longer in existence. They bought an ex4 file and must not be disenfranchised.