Email server failure


Hi, I've been working with email to sms alerts in my EA using the SendMail function. I currently have my email set up through GMX which forwards all incoming messages from MT4 to my cell phone. This all works great about 90% of the time. The other 10% of the time I get delivery delays from my email server or out right message failure from mt4. I send anywhere from 50 - 200 alerts within a 24 hour period which might be part of the problem. Today for example the email alert system worked fine for about 16 hours. I would receive texts alert within about 30 seconds of them sending off from MT4. This gap started to widen and eventually I was getting a 30 minute delay in messages. Eventually MT4 started giving me an error "Mail: 550 Sender address is not allowed" every time I tried to send out. 

 I've tried setting up through a couple different email servers, and have also tried sending the messages directly to my phone from mt4 instead of using the email forwarding. No matter which way I configure this I always seem to get inconstant results. I think what might be happening is that I am exceeding a hourly or daily "quota" for outgoing messages and am getting tagged as a spammer which causes longer delays in messages as the day goes on. This in turn is causing MT4 to back up pending messages and eventually fail. I know that MT4 has it's own quota for pending messages before it fails and needs to be restarted. 

 Basically I have a couple different questions and I would be interested in any additional info anyone could provide.  

1. Am I right about what is causing this error? Anyone have any other ideas as to what could be causing my problems?   

2. Is SendMail the most reliable way to send outgoing messages from an EA? Is there maybe some alternatives I could look into? 


Thanks for the quick reply. 

 I figured gmx was limiting out. I have definitely exceeded the "26 max" on several occasions. As far as setting up an SMTP server... I had set up hmailserver through gmail a couple weeks ago and it worked for a while, but then I seemed to have the same problems as before. I assume you are talking about setting up a localhost?

Bourne: I assume you are talking about setting up a localhost?
The alternative, you already tried.

Thanks for the quick reply. 

 I figured gmx was limiting out. I have definitely exceeded the "26 max" on several occasions. As far as setting up an SMTP server... I had set up hmailserver through gmail a couple weeks ago and it worked for a while, but then I seemed to have the same problems as before. I assume you are talking about setting up a localhost?

Have you found a solution/work-around to 26 mail limit?


I cannot comment on the limit of 26 messages but if people ever ask how to make mt4's email alerts work these days, for example with the proposed free email server they need to log into Settings page to enable "Send and receive emails via external program" and click Save button.
