Linear Regression Slope - Help




I'm trying to develop an indicator that gives the SLOPE of the regression line at each point.

The slope formula is this one:

I've already wrote some code based on the Moving Average indicator.

But I not very sure about those cicles are given me the sums that I want...

Can anyone give me some help here with these cycles please.


I've attached the indicator that I've already done. :)





Please... A little help here guys... :)

This sums are too much for my acknowledgment!




   double sumy=0,
   int    i,pos=Bars-ExtCountedBars-1;
//---- initial accumulation

   if(pos<RegLin_Period) pos=RegLin_Period;

//---- main calculation loop

      SLOPE[pos] = (((RegLin_Period*sumxy)-(sumx*sumy)) / ((RegLin_Period*sumx)-(sumx*sumx)));



Are this sums correct?

I've done it based on the moving average indicator sum where it work fine! :(



strutch: Are this sums correct?
  1. Your Image shows
    Your Code doesn't match
    (RegLin_Period*sumxy)-(sumx*sumy)) / ((RegLin_Period*sumx)-(sumx*sumx))

    n(Exy) - (Ex)(Ey)
    n(Ex2) - (Ex)2

    n(Exy) - (Ex)(Ey)
    n(Ex)  - (Ex)2

  2. You sumx and sumx2 but you never remove them like the sumy sumxy (after SLOPE[]=)
  3. You are trying to do it in one pass - makes it unreadable.
  4. Factor out your functions and put it in a proper loop. Don't calculate needless bars.

    double slope(int iBar, int nBars){
       double sumy=0,
       int iLimit = iBar + nBars;
       for(; iBar < iLimit; iBar++)
       return( (nBars*sumxy - sumx*sumy) / (nBar*sumx2 - sumx*sumx) );
    int start(){           
       int    count = IndicatorCounted();
       if(count < RegLin_Period) count = RegLin_Period; // Lookback
       for(int iBar = Bars - 1 - count; iBar >= 0; iBar--){
          SLOPE[iBar] = slope(iBar, RegLin_Period);
You might also consider, instead of using least squares to compute the slope, using Theil-Sen See attached
theilsen.mq4  6 kb


Your the best!!! :D

I didn't know about TheilSen. It looks promissor...

I will make some tests betwen those two methods to see what fits better.


Thank you so much WHRoeder! Have a nice wekend :) 




What a complicated concepts you introduced me!!!

I'm struggling hard to understand this piece of code... But it will not be easy...

Do you have some indicator that uses Theil-Sen ?


Meanwhile I leave here the Linear Regression Slope indicator for other people that may need it. :)  


strutch:cDo you have some indicator that uses Theil-Sen ?
You already have an indicator that displays slope. Substitute the calculation with the function provided.


Hi WHRoeder,

I'm trying to develope an indicator based on the piece of code (TheilSen.mq4) that you give me.

But I don't know how to get the Slope from the function TheilSen2D( ) ...

//| FUNCTION - TheilSen2D                                            |

void TheilSen2D(double& m, double& b, double v[][], int n1, int e2, int iBeg=0)

    Theil–Sen estimator of a set of two-dimensional points (xi,yi) is the
    median m of the slopes (yj - yi)/(xj - xi)
    2     2:1                                                 1
    3     2:1, 3:1, 3:2                                       3
    4     2:1, 3:1, 3:2, 4:1, 4:2, 4:3                        6
    5     2:1, 3:1, 3:2, 4:1, 4:2, 4:3  5:1, 5:2, 5:3, 5:4   10

   static double slopes[];    

   int nReq = n1 * (n1-1) / 2;

   if(ArraySize(slopes) < nReq) 
   if(ArrayResize(slopes, nReq) <= 0)
     DisableTrading("ArrayResize(TheilSen, " + nReq + ") Failed: " +GetLastError() );   
   int   nSlopes = 0;
   for(int i=iBeg + n1 - 1; i >  iBeg; i--)
   for(int j=i - 1; j >= iBeg; j--)
      slopes[nSlopes] = (v[i][e2] - v[j][e2]) / (i-j);   
   m = Median(slopes, nSlopes);
   for(i=0; i < n1; i++)   
      slopes[i] = v[iBeg+i][e2] - m * i;
   b = Median(slopes, n1);

I was thinking in do something like the linear regression indicator.

But I really don't understand those input parameters...

TheilSen2D(double& m, double& b, double v[][], int n1, int e2, int iBeg=0)

Do you have some link where I can read more about that indicator/function?

Thank you! :)


strutch: But I really don't understand those input parameters...

TheilSen2D(double& m, double& b, double v[][], int n1, int e2, int iBeg=0)

I thought reading the function would be self explanatory.

v is the market array from ArrayCopyRates

e2 is the enumeration of which value

   #define ACR_TIME     0  // Array Copy Rates
   #define ACR_OPEN     1
   #define ACR_LOW      2
   #define ACR_HIGH     3
   #define ACR_CLOSE    4
// #define ACR_VOLUME   5
      #define ACR_COUNT    6
slopes[nSlopes] = (v[i][e2] - v[j][e2]) / (i-j);   

creates an array of slopes. You could easily change v[i][e2] to Close[i] for a standard 1D version.



I'm so noobie in this that I'm probably asking too basic things. And for that my apologies...

Let's see if now I can use it...

Thank you very much once again WHRoeder... :) 




Hi WHRoeder,

Thank you for introduce me that concept (Theil-Sen) but it's too much for me...

I've tried hard but this is too much for my math and programing knowledges.

For now I will focus my ideas on the least squares...

Once again, thank you so much for your help!

God bless you!! :D


strutch: too much for my math and programing knowledges.
If you had converted the 2D version (provided) to a 1D by making V single dimension and dropping the (then unused) e2, then the following change to your code is too much for you?
// SLOPE[iBar] = slope(iBar, RegLin_Period);
double m, b; TheilSen(m, b, Close, RegLin_Period, iBar); SLOPE[iBar] = m;