How to change Fibonacci Retracement font size ? - page 2


This is what there is available . . . 




Hence my earlier reply   


I SEE....
In that case make indicator deleting description Fibolevels and draw then new Labels to the lines

It might be not perfect solution but look what this is doing ??

Do you have some more ideas to improve ??

//|                                                    fibo font.mq4 |
//|                                           Copyright 2013,deVries |
//|                                                                  |
#property copyright "Copyright 2013,deVries"
#property link      ""

#property indicator_chart_window

extern int   text_size = 20;
extern int   text_place_horizontal = -600;
extern int   text_place_vertical = 100;
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int init()
//|                                                                  |
int deinit()
   int    obj_total = ObjectsTotal();
   string name;
   for(int i = 0; i < obj_total; i++)
       name = ObjectName(i);
       if(ObjectType(name) == OBJ_FIBO)
           ObjectDelete(name + " level_0");
           ObjectDelete(name + " level_1");
           ObjectDelete(name + " level_2");
           ObjectDelete(name + " level_3");         
           ObjectDelete(name + " level_4");
           ObjectDelete(name + " level_5");
           ObjectDelete(name + " level_6");
           ObjectDelete(name + " level_7");
           ObjectDelete(name + " level_8");
           ObjectSetFiboDescription(name,0, "0.0");
           ObjectSetFiboDescription(name,1, "23.6");
           ObjectSetFiboDescription(name,2, "38.2");
           ObjectSetFiboDescription(name,3, "50.0");
           ObjectSetFiboDescription(name,4, "61.8");
           ObjectSetFiboDescription(name,5, "100");
           ObjectSetFiboDescription(name,6, "161.8");
           ObjectSetFiboDescription(name,7, "261.8");
           ObjectSetFiboDescription(name,8, "423.6");           
//|                                                                  |
int start()
   int    obj_total = ObjectsTotal();
   string name;
   for(int i = 0; i < obj_total; i++)
       name = ObjectName(i);
       if(ObjectType(name) == OBJ_FIBO)
          double level_0= ObjectGet(name,OBJPROP_PRICE2);
          double level_5= ObjectGet(name,OBJPROP_PRICE1);
          color  Color  = ObjectGet(name,OBJPROP_COLOR);
          double level_1= level_0 + (0.236*(level_5-level_0));
          double level_2= level_0 + (0.382*(level_5-level_0));
          double level_3= level_0 + (0.500*(level_5-level_0));
          double level_4= level_0 + (0.618*(level_5-level_0));
          double level_6= level_0 + (1.618*(level_5-level_0));
          double level_7= level_0 + (2.618*(level_5-level_0));
          double level_8= level_0 + (4.236*(level_5-level_0));          

          ObjectSetFiboDescription(name, 0, "");
          ObjectSetFiboDescription(name, 1, "");
          ObjectSetFiboDescription(name, 2, "");
          ObjectSetFiboDescription(name, 3, "");
          ObjectSetFiboDescription(name, 4, "");
          ObjectSetFiboDescription(name, 5, "");
          ObjectSetFiboDescription(name, 6, "");
          ObjectSetFiboDescription(name, 7, "");
          ObjectSetFiboDescription(name, 8, "");
          drawLabel(name + " level_0","0.0",level_0,Color);
          drawLabel(name + " level_1","23.6",level_1,Color);
          drawLabel(name + " level_2","38.2",level_2,Color);
          drawLabel(name + " level_3","50.0",level_3,Color);
          drawLabel(name + " level_4","61.8",level_4,Color);
          drawLabel(name + " level_5","100",level_5,Color);
          drawLabel(name + " level_6","161.8",level_6,Color);
          drawLabel(name + " level_7","261.8",level_7,Color);          
          drawLabel(name + " level_8","423.6",level_8,Color);           

void drawLabel(string name,string name2,double lvl,color Color)
    if(ObjectFind(name) != 0)
        ObjectCreate(name, OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[0]+(text_place_horizontal*60), lvl+(text_place_vertical+text_size)*Point);
        ObjectSetText(name, name2, text_size, "Arial", EMPTY);
        ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_COLOR, Color);
     ObjectMove(name, 0, Time[0]+(text_place_horizontal*60), lvl+(text_place_vertical+text_size)*Point);

I SEE....
In that case make indicator deleting description Fibolevels and draw then new Labels to the lines

It might be not perfect solution but look what this is doing ??

Do you have some more ideas to improve ??

Yes,  buy some spectacles  

Your solution helps partly as long as there is a tick when the Fib has been moved to update the text . . . but you assume there are just 9 levels,  I'm working on code at the moment for a Fib that can have upto 21 levels   

Choosing a well contrasting colour also helps . . . 


Yes,  buy some spectacles  

Your solution helps partly as long as there is a tick when the Fib has been moved to update the text . . . but you assume there are just 9 levels,  I'm working on code at the moment for a Fib that can have upto 21 levels   

Choosing a well contrasting colour also helps . . . 

Spectacles   ........  Your right i didn't think about it.....

about levels easy to make maximum inside indicator

but then there has to be more changes for levelnames

about color it was same as Fibo Retracement

If the OP can't work on this then he has to learn more...  
