My indicators are not working on my MT4 after l rstored my system - page 2

l copied the indicators to my x86,but after the restore its not picking the there any chanve it might be my antivirus?
l copied the indicators to my x86,but after the restore its not picking the there any chanve it might be my antivirus?
The Indicator must be a  .mq4  or .ex4  file,  not a txt file.
am not winning and this is frustrating
sunnym: am not winning and this is frustrating
  1. But you are whining, and that is frustrating.
  2. Rename the file with a .mql4 extension like he told you to do twice.
my friend you talking to someone who know how to trade and not to program,l have never had a problem with my system,the restore caused all these problems
Renaming a file has NOTHING to do with programming. If you don't know how to open explorer and do it, go get a five year old to help you.
l only asked for help,if you cannot help me reason to be worked up
l only asked for help,if you cannot help me reason to be worked up
You have been helped : rename your file. If you don't know how to rename a file, then it's not the right place to ask. Try Google with keywords "how to rename a file".
thank you all for your help,l have spent two days trying to do this and also renamed the files but with no success.l am really not sure what going down with my PC
thank you all for your help,l have spent two days trying to do this and also renamed the files but with no success.l am really not sure what going down with my PC
I don't understand why you can't do what you did before when you first installed MT4 and started using the Indicators you have been using since ?