EA with multiple indicators to trade various forex pairs simultaneously ? - page 3


Agree with Alain. Forex being harsh has nothing to do with how people should be treated. Also, perhaps mql4.com is the only forum you visit but there are forums (e.g. forex-tsd) where people happily submit coding requests and other members code the stuff for them (there are some coders paid by the site to do this IIRC). If visitors of forex-tsd come first time to mql4.com they may not realize the difference at first and should be politely explained what they can/cannot expect.

Go to ForexFactor and you will see people also answering coding requests . . .  including me, but that is normal there.  Who is being impolite ?  and where is it mandated that users have to be polite ?  the rules state :


2. Any posts which may offend other visitors of the MQL4.com are forbidden. These messages will be deleted.

3. Any use of obscene expressions is forbidden. These messages will be deleted.


rule 2 is extraordinarily vague,  almost anything might offend someone else so virtually all posts are at risk of being deleted so the common sense approach is to apply it to posts that will offend most visitors.  Rule 3 is clearer but still leaves a lot to interpretation . . . I interpret it as swearing . . .  so there is nothing about being polite.

If you equate not being polite to offending well in that case you can also add all the requests for code to be written as offensive,  as I already said,  I find these requests  harsh, presumptuous, insulting,  arrogant  and add to that impolite and offensive, so should they be deleted ?


Simon, what is the goal of this forum ? In my opinion it's to help people with MT4/MQL4 coding question. For that you (we) have to create an atmosphere where people can ask their question. As fxjozef said, and as you know very well, this is an international forum, where a majority of user don't speak/write English natively. Personally, I followed this site more than 1 year before posting my first post. Mainly because I am not very good to communicate in foreign language (thanks google translate), and I am not a newbie in coding, neither in forex.

The disadvantage of being harsh is that you frighten people and discourage them from participating in the forum. I don't have statistics, but I am pretty sure there are a lot more people who are reading this forum that those who post comments. I have read a lot of topics where people are reacting bad when WHRoeder posts his sentence about "there are no slaves...".

Also by reacting so quickly, this prevents others users to eventually meet the request of the OP, why not ? If someone want to help for free, it's his right. I understand very well, why WHRoeder reacts this way, but the question is why he reacts so harsh. He wrote "I can ignore these posts, but in case the post wasn't intended as written, I gave a helping links", the links are useful obviously but if a person feels offended I a not even sure that he checks the links.

That take me a lot of time to write all of that, I hope it's not a waste of time.


Simon, what is the goal of this forum ? In my opinion it's to help people with MT4/MQL4 coding question. For that you (we) have to create an atmosphere where people can ask their question. As fxjozef said, and as you know very well, this is an international forum, where a majority of user don't speak/write English natively. Personally, I followed this site more than 1 year before posting my first post. Mainly because I am not very good to communicate in foreign language (thanks google translate), and I am not a newbie in coding, neither in forex.

"This resource is a site where traders interested in MetaQuotes Language 4 and automated trading systems communicate".  I agree with you,  it is a place to discuss, help and be helped with mql4 issues.  There is no barrier to people coming here and asking for help,  new users do it all the time and they are welcome.   I was also a member of this forum for over a year before I asked my first question.  

I'm sure you know that you don't need to tell me what the purpose of this forum is, for example,  I have a 21 page PM with one User where I have tried to help . . .


The disadvantage of being harsh is that you frighten people and discourage them from participating in the forum. I don't have statistics, but I am pretty sure there are a lot more people who are reading this forum that those who post comments. I have read a lot of topics where people are reacting bad when WHRoeder posts his sentence about "there are no slaves...".

In general the people that are directed at Jobs are not here to participate,  they are here to get their request filled,  be it EA, Indicator or Script,  they are not planning to contribute just get something coded on demand.  Perhaps we should encourage those who post decompiled code to contribute more ?  no we shouldn't,  why not ?  because it is not a contribution,  in the same way the demands for "coding on demand" are not a contribution. 

I suspect the bad reaction is due to the original poster feeling a little awkward for making the request for "coding on demand",  in itself there is nothing wrong or insulting with saying  "There are no slaves here, . . ."  it's just a way of stating an opinion,  it's not an insult or an obscene expression.


Also by reacting so quickly, this prevents others users to eventually meet the request of the OP, why not ? If someone want to help for free, it's his right. I understand very well, why WHRoeder reacts this way, but the question is why he reacts so harsh. He wrote "I can ignore these posts, but in case the post wasn't intended as written, I gave a helping links", the links are useful obviously but if a person feels offended I a not even sure that he checks the links.

A fast reacion from WHRoeder never ever stops me replying if I think I can add something of value for the OP.  Even WHRoeder is capable of misinterpreting the OP's question and replying incorrectly.  So if anyone wants to fulfil the  "coding on demand"  request there is absolutely nothing stopping them . . .  but how often do you see it happen ?  how often do you do it ?  there needs to be more people helping with coding questions,  too many people that have been helped do not reciprocate,  many do but not enough.  Nobody here that helps is getting paid . . .  those that provide their valuable time helping should be thanked and not criticised, assuming they stay within the rules.



That take me a lot of time to write all of that, I hope it's not a waste of time.

Me too,  hopefully nobody will come along and delete this thread or both of us will have wasted our time  

"This resource is a site where traders interested in MetaQuotes Language 4 and automated trading systems communicate".  I agree with you,  it is a place to discuss, help and be helped with mql4 issues.  There is no barrier to people coming here and asking for help,  new users do it all the time and they are welcome.   I was also a member of this forum for over a year before I asked my first question.  

I'm sure you know that you don't need to tell me what the purpose of this forum is, for example,  I have a 21 page PM with one User where I have tried to help . . .

Obviously, but I'm not talking to you only, others will read.

In general the people that are directed at Jobs are not here to participate,  they are here to get their request filled,  be it EA, Indicator or Script,  they are not planning to contribute just get something coded on demand.  Perhaps we should encourage those who post decompiled code to contribute more ?  no we shouldn't,  why not ?  because it is not a contribution,  in the same way the demands for "coding on demand" are not a contribution.

This is an assumption and not always true precisely. We could certainly browse the forum by reviewing each case and noted that sometimes the assumption is not correct.

I suspect the bad reaction is due to the original poster feeling a little awkward for making the request for "coding on demand",  in itself there is nothing wrong or insulting with saying  "There are no slaves here, . . ."  it's just a way of stating an opinion,  it's not an insult or an obscene expression.

Maybe, maybe not...

A fast reacion from WHRoeder never ever stops me replying if I think I can add something of value for the OP.  Even WHRoeder is capable of misinterpreting the OP's question and replying incorrectly.  So if anyone wants to fulfil the  "coding on demand"  request there is absolutely nothing stopping them . . .  but how often do you see it happen ?  how often do you do it ?  there needs to be more people helping with coding questions,  too many people that have been helped do not reciprocate,  many do but not enough.  Nobody here that helps is getting paid . . .  those that provide their valuable time helping should be thanked and not criticised, assuming they stay within the rules.

Obviously, but I am talking about other users. That not happens more because they can read "Since they are no slave here..." Helping others deserves the thanks, but certainly does not entitle privileges.

Me too,  hopefully nobody will come along and delete this thread or both of us will have wasted our time  



WHRoeder has helped me countless number of times. He's one of the strongest coders on this site. Under his leadership, (among others) this forum have strive the test of time.  "no slaves here " <-- is this response so bad? If I was a moderator would I delete WHRoeder's comment? Is this not the truth?

We should be contributing and learning from each other. We should not be undermining each other. Who would you want around when you have questions to discuss, the non-contributers or someone like WHRoeder?

Sooner or later, someone is going to Insult you because you didn't code something for them. At that point, you'll start to appreciate "no slaves here" more.