Problem with MT4 platform


Hard to explain.  I switched from MB Trading to Alpari.  Everything was going along fine until one day I closed the Alpari platform and tried to reopen it.  A pale version of the outline of the screen came up, but the platform was 'not responding' according to task mgr.  I then uninstalled all platforms.  I tried a demo from FXDD.  It came up fine. However, it is using a template I created on the MB Trading platform.  I also used this same template on the Alpari platform.  I have not saved anything on the FXDD platform. How is it using this template? From where is it finding it?   The people at Alpari claim I have some phantom EA running that causes the non-responsiveness with their platform.  MB Trading works fine.  I use an IP address to point to the Alpari server from MB Trading. I have checked the registry, searched the directories.  I can find nothing that I recognize that could cause this.  If I can't get this fixed I will have to format and start over.  A process I would like to avoid.  There doesn't seem to be much technical expertise at the forex firms with regards to this issue.  Can anybody help??

Thank you .. 


Sounds weird indeed. Well try the common fixes.

  • Re-install the Alpari platform in a Different Directory.
  • Do not install in Program_Files* on Windows 7 || Vista.
  • No need to un-install old platform [ shouldn't matter ]
  • Don't use short-cuts instead open directly from Folder.

This forum is mostly for coding questions. I'm not meta-quotes technical support. Just some friendly suggestions ... Try them at your own risk.


Sounds weird indeed. Well try the common fixes.

  • Re-install the Alpari platform in a Different Directory.
  • Do not install in Program_Files* on Windows 7 || Vista.
  • No need to un-install old platform [ shouldn't matter ]
  • Don't use short-cuts instead open directly from Folder.

This forum is mostly for coding questions. I'm not meta-quotes technical support. Just some friendly suggestions ... Try them at your own risk.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 


    Thank you, ubzen.... I just fixed the problem.  I found a folder called 'virtual store'.  It had references to all the platforms I had been using.  They were not deleted upon uninstall.  I also deleted references to trading platforms from the registry.  I reloaded Alpari.  Everything is fine.  Somehow, the platforms became confused when all these folders were present. 

Thanks, again, for taking the time to respond.  You and folks like you provide an invaluable service. Really appreciated.

dukeb: I found a folder called 'virtual store'. 
Don't install in \program files* on Vista/Win7
Don't install in \program files* on Vista/Win7
 I run Win7.  It will auto install in \program files(x86).   Why is this not a good idea?
dukeb: I run Win7.  It will auto install in \program files(x86).   Why is this not a good idea? 
UAC issues.
They do NOT auto install anywhere. Some installers (from some brokers) default to \Program Files but YOU had to press the button. Change the location

Thank you, ubzeb 

They do NOT auto install anywhere. Some installers (from some brokers) default to \Program Files but YOU had to press the button.

Very true.  Thank you.