Missing Currency list


Hi Everyone, 


Could someone please help, I have lost my list of currency pairs on all of my profiles it is the list that appears just above the profile name at the bottom of the screen.


Thanks in advance.




Did you restart the terminal? Did you install in \program files* on Vista/Win7? Did you try opening a new chart?


Hi Everyone, 


Could someone please help, I have lost my list of currency pairs on all of my profiles it is the list that appears just above the profile name at the bottom of the screen.


Thanks in advance.




Try Ctrl-M keys.

Hi Guys, 

@ WHRoeder I have tried restarting but nothing changes, I have tried opening a new chart but still nothing.

@angevoyageur, thanks but it's not the market watch window that I need.

ee the Pics attached pic one shows what my Terminal has always looked like, Pic 2 shows what it looks like now (notice how all of the currency tabs are missing on the bottom in pic 2.)

Menu View->Charts Bar
Menu View->Charts Bar

EXCELLENT! thank you Ovo.


Ex Ovo Omnia #:
Menu View->Charts Bar

Thank you! The same issue was for me