Script to end a trade based on candle open / close


Hey, I am very new to scripts and am more of an HTML writer than C++

What I was wondering is if there is a script or such out there that will end a current trade based on the close of a candle with conditions?

So for example I get on a trade at 1.0001 and the first candle ends at 1.0010. Then the next candle heads up to 1.0022 and closes. I would like to remain in the trade here.

Basically I want to stay in the trade until a candle closes lower than the open. This could be 2 periods or 10.

Is this doable? Is there something out there that can do this now?

Thanks in advance. 


Hey, I am very new to scripts and am more of an HTML writer than C++

What I was wondering is if there is a script or such out there that will end a current trade based on the close of a candle with conditions?

So for example I get on a trade at 1.0001 and the first candle ends at 1.0010. Then the next candle heads up to 1.0022 and closes. I would like to remain in the trade here.

Basically I want to stay in the trade until a candle closes lower than the open. This could be 2 periods or 10.

Is this doable? Is there something out there that can do this now?

Thanks in advance. 

Since there are no slaves here, you have only three choices: Search for it, learn to code it, or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you when you post your attempt and the nature of your problem.


 Thanks heaps for that link, it has helped a lot. New here, so thanks for being patient and pointing me in the right direction.

Since there are no slaves here, you have only three choices: Search for it, learn to code it, or pay someone. We're not going to code it FOR you. We are willing to HELP you when you post your attempt and the nature of your problem.

Thanks for the links which are also useful. This is my first post here, so you obviously do not know me well enough to understand that I do not expect something for nothing, nobody should.

I was merely asking if there was a script out there already that could help me on my way. 

Perhaps in future, give people the chance to ask the questions that you yourself may have asked when you were starting out, before being so arrogant.

Best of luck in your endeavors.


 Thanks heaps for that link, it has helped a lot. New here, so thanks for being patient and pointing me in the right direction.

I point you in the right direction. There are so many useful ressources on this site, you only have to search for it and read some info. If you ask some more precise question. I and other members will be happy to answer you.
I point you in the right direction. There are so many useful ressources on this site, you only have to search for it and read some info. If you ask some more precise question. I and other members will be happy to answer you.

Thank you again, your direction is very appreciated and has helped me a lot.

I have written the script now thanks to all the resources here, so I will test it and see how I go.
