The expert log


Hi all

 I know that this is probably a very basic question, but I haven't been able to find the answer, so I try to ask you ...

 I have a demo account at Alpari UK, where I'm testing a EA that I've build.  I can see that there is an error in the EA, and I'm currently investigating it.  The Expert historic log is not saved for some reason (only for the current day), but I need further back in time to find out what is wrong with my EA.  Can you please tell me how to activate this, i.e. how to make the MT4 system start writing the historic data to the Expert\log folder?

 Best regards



By default, there should be about a last week data in the log folder. It is not usual that you are missing them.

For saving the log content I use a third party backup utility for the log folder, one backup a day is enough. 


Hi Ovo

Thanks for your reply. 

 Do you mean to say that if Alpari UK (opr any other MT4 providers) desides that they only want to give their customers 1 day of log, i.e. that they delete old log in the end of the day, then I have to buy some kind of third party backup tool to be able to use older data?  Is it not possible for the user to change this?

Best regards 


You do not need to buy backup tool, there are simple tools available for free use.

Nevertheless I do not believe the log can be controlled by the broker; every broker I had was quite the same in logging.


Hi again

 Thanks for your answer.

 I do actually also have a demo account at NordFX, and I can see in their log folder, I currently have 10 days of log.  As I understand you, I cannot do anything to change how much log I get saved, but I can try to use som third party backup tool.  Could you please give me a hint of what tool I should consider?

Best regards

Isn't 5-10 days enough? Furthermore, when you registered, perhaps you missed the part about Any discussions except of concerning MetaQuotes Language 4 and auto trading are forbidden. You're off topic for this forum.

Hi WHRoeder

 Sorry, but I think, you missed my point from the first message, I'm trying to test an EA, but I only have one day of log at my provider (Alpari UK), and I need more data to be able to debug my program (as a matter of fact, 5 days log would be great).  So I'm trying to find out, if I can change this default setting at Alpari or not.  Ove has told me that if I have some third party tool, I may be able to fix this, i.e. I may be able to see more than the one day that I currently can see.  But as I understand him, I cannot change the default setting at my provider.  So that is why I came to ask for more information about the tool that Ove talked about ...

Anyway, it looks like I'm not getting an answer to my question this time, but thanks anyway.  A nice weekend to all of you ... :-)

 Best regards


Anyway, it looks like I'm not getting an answer to my question this time, but thanks anyway.  A nice weekend to all of you ... :-)

The answer you have been given is correct  "By default, there should be about a last week data in the log folder."  there are normally a weeks worth of log files,  unless you have only been running the EA for 1 day or have been running it in the Strategy Tester,  then you need to look in   tester/logs


The tester\logs is empty, and the expert\logs only includes data from today.  But I have been running this EA nonstop for two weeks without restarting my computer (actually I've been running it both at Alpari UK and NordFX, but the error that I'm investigating only appear on the Alpari account).  And as I mentioned before, I can see the log from the last 5 days for my account at NordFX.  But as it seems to me that Alpari is in many ways a fair provider, I'd really like to test this EA with them (i.e. they would be my first choise, if I open an live account).  That is why I'd really like to get information about how to get this log to work correctly at my site.  I tried to contact them, but they just say that they don't support EAs ... and therefore, I try to get some information from you ... :-)

Best regards



The tester\logs is empty, and the expert\logs only includes data from today.  But I have been running this EA nonstop for two weeks without restarting my computer

Maybe it's a UAC issue,  have you checked your Virtual Store for the missing log files ?

Hi RaptorUK

 Could you please be a bit more exact?  Where do I find information about my virtual store?

Best regards