New article - MQL5 Cookbook: Using Different Print Modes


New article MQL5 Cookbook: Using Different Print Modes is published at

This is the first article of the MQL5 Cookbook series. I will start with simple examples to allow those who are taking their first steps in programming to gradually become familiar with the new language. I remember my first efforts at designing and programming trading systems which I may say was quite difficult, given the fact that it was the first programming language in my life. However, it turned out to be easier than I thought and it only took me a few months before I could develop a fairly complex program.

MQL5 Cookbook: Using Different Print Modes

Author: Anatoli Kazharski


The title of this MetaQuotes article and the content are mis-leading. There are no different print modes, as the title suggests. There is no way to "print to the alert window" or to "print to a chart comment". There is still only one Print() function, it outputs information to the log file. That's all.

I regularily use a self-made "Instrument Info" indicator, it displays infos like below. To be clear, it doesn't introduce a 4th "print mode", it doesn't "print to objects". There are surely many more ways to output information. Hopefully in MetaQuotes terms they are not named "print to an e-mail", "print to a mobile notification", "print to an FTP server", "print to files". Almost forgot "print to an order comment", everything seems to be possible.

print mode "print to objects"