several questions about datetime data type ?

1/ i want to get the begin time of my localcation ,may i write code like this ? int begintime = TimeLocal() -TimeHour(TimeLocal() )*3600-60 * TimeMinute(TimeLocal() ) - TimeSeconds(TimeLocal() ); 2/ D'2013.02.24 00:11' refers mt4 severtime or my local time ? thanks
why  SRC  is not function ?
1/ i want to get the begin time of my localcation ,may i write code like this ? int begintime = TimeLocal() -TimeHour(TimeLocal() )*3600-60 * TimeMinute(TimeLocal() ) - TimeSeconds(TimeLocal() ); 2/ D'2013.02.24 00:11' refers mt4 severtime or my local time ? thanks
TimeLocal()  you can read the documentation 
#define HR2400 86400       // 24 * 3600
int      TimeOfDay(datetime when){  return( when % HR2400            );    }
datetime DateOfDay(datetime when){  return( when - TimeOfDay(when)   );    }
D'2013.02.24 00:11' refers mt4 severtime or my local time ?
D'2013.02.24 00:11' refers mt4 severtime or my local time ?

D'2013.02.24 00:11' refers mt4 severtime or my local time ?
Either,  LocalTime() is the time on your PCs clock,  did you read the documentation ?

i have just test it ,it should be local time .


Please edit your post . . . 


Use SRC 


i have just test it ,it should be local time .

int init()    
Print(TimeLocal()-(D'2013.02.23 20:30'));
//Print(TimeCurrent()-(D'2013.02.23 20:30'));


i can now use SRC  


i have just test it ,it should be local time .

Question was  "refers mt4 severtime or my local time"

This moment it is weekend and the chart of your MT4 platform is not updating new bars

The chart is running the time of your broker  Datetime is just a counting of seconds from moment  1 jan 1970  (check it to be sure)

We living on a world where we didn't start all same moment with 1 jan 1970

but we all pass a moment we arrive  D'2013.02.23 20:30'