coding a new indicator


Hello all, 

I need some help here - I am a beginner on MT4, but i have trading ideas.

I need to create a new indicator that picks up tick by tick data and buffer them for a short period of time so they can be used at a later stage as part of a strategy that I am developing.

To be more clear, like a Moving Average indicators uses, say, 10 past periods LOW of the running data set, i need to be able to operate other calculations (% chance, Sum, mult, etc) on a dataset that seems not to be present in MT4 (i.e. the last 100 tick by tick data, moving as the bid/ask dataset moves over time)

 Kindly let me know whether such data set is available in MT4 or whether can be created with a data buffer.

 Look forward to hear from you with many suggestions.




need record by youself.

try ref